Te Hōtaka a Te Pae Tawhiti - Te Pae Tawhiti Programme
E whakaumu ana mātou kia mārama pai ake, kia hono kaha ake, kia whakarato pai ake, me te tautoko pai ake i ngā kiritaki, ō rātou whānau me ngā hapori We’re transforming so we can better understand, connect to, deliver for, and support clients, their whānau and communities
Te Pae Tawhiti Programme (the Programme) is a multi-year change programme to enable us to deliver services that are easier to use, more accessible and integrated across employment, housing and income support.
The Programme will deliver:
- a better digital experience across all MSD services
- a new service model and stronger case management practice model, with more focus on prevention and sustaining outcomes and intensive support for those who need it most
- simpler processes for seniors, students and working age clients
- smarter ways of partnering with social services, iwi, employers, and commercial suppliers.
Clients and whānau will be able to:
- access support more quickly, with a digital option available
- achieve employment and other goals more easily
- receive full and correct entitlement
- receive services that reflect and support the diverse and multiple needs of New Zealanders
- access support that improves equity of outcomes for Māori
- access support that improves equity of outcomes for Pacific.
Staff will be able to:
- spend more time working with clients who need our help to achieve their goals, rather than doing manual processing
- use modern, integrated systems that show a single view of client information.
Partners will be able to:
- focus more on outcomes and less on process
- support the clients and whānau best suited to their services.
Government will be able to:
- use modern and stable technology
- implement new policy more easily.
It will take years to do everything we want. Our initial focus will be on the foundations for digital services and case management change, including:
- creating a modern digital experience for clients
- enabling New Zealanders to access digital employment services
- developing new case management practices fundamental to the Future Service Model
- significantly improving contract management to allow more efficient and effective partnering.
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- Next page: Ō mātou tūāpapa whakahaere - Our organisational foundations
- Previous: Wāhanga 3 – Te āwhina i a matou kia whakatutuki ai i ngā mahi - Part 3 – Helping us get there