Chief Executive’s Introduction
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is there when New Zealanders need a helping hand, and most of us will need a helping hand at some stage of our lives.
MSD manages and delivers New Zealand’s welfare system. Our work spans employment, training, income support, disability issues, support for seniors and students, funding for community service providers, funding family and sexual violence prevention and support services, emergency support, social cohesion, housing assistance and resolving claims of historical abuse. Whatever we do, and whoever we work with, we have a core purpose that unites all facets of our organisation:
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau – We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
In this Statement of Intent, we reinforce our commitment to Te Pae Tawhiti, our strategic direction. Building on the work done to date, we are embarking on an ambitious programme of transformation that will see significant changes to our underlying systems and processes. Doing this will mean we can fully realise the future design and delivery of services our clients and communities need.
This focus on transforming for tomorrow must not, of course, be at the expense of continuing to deliver today. We will remain actively involved in work that improves the wellbeing of people in New Zealand. This includes supporting people to prepare for, secure and sustain employment, continuing to support regions in response to COVID-19, improving social cohesion, preventing family and sexual violence, and ensuring accessibility and inclusion of all New Zealanders.
This Statement of Intent looks beyond COVID-19 to the support New Zealanders will need in the coming years. While it has been significant, we have made sure our COVID-19 response does not impede the vital work we do in other areas. We will progress the priority areas our Minister wrote about in her introduction.
To do this we must be flexible to meet the changing needs of New Zealanders. The people coming to us for assistance today are different to those who came into a service centre 20 years ago – some have more complex needs, while others may need help for a short period and want little interaction with us. The service we provide must adapt too and be future-proofed for other changes in years to come.
We will continue to strengthen the work we do with others, including strengthening our regional and community voice, as those closest to what’s happening on the ground often have the best solution.
Chief Executive’s statement
In signing this information, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information on strategic intentions for the Ministry of Social Development. This information has been prepared in accordance with sections 38 and 40 of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Debbie Power, Secretary for Social Development and Chief Executive
Ministry of Social Development
September 2022
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