Child Wellbeing and Poverty Reduction
The vision of the Child and Youth Strategy (the Strategy), is that New Zealand is the best place in the world for children and young people.
Achieving this vision means taking action to improve the lives of children and young people in New Zealand, including reducing levels of child material hardship, consistent with the Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018.
New Zealand is stronger when its people are skilled and educated, healthy and resilient, and our families and communities are thriving. Childhood represents a huge opportunity to set people on a positive path so that they lead healthy, productive and fulfilling lives, contribute to their communities and the economy, and achieve their full potential.
The Child Wellbeing and Poverty Reduction Group’s purpose is to contribute to the achievement of these goals by:
- embedding the child poverty reduction legislative framework and the Strategy, and positioning them to effect positive change for children and young people
- supporting the system to focus on the things most likely to make a positive difference to children and young people and towards reducing child material hardship
- influencing change and driving action across the system to improve the lives of our children and young people and to reduce child material hardship.
The Group's role is a leadership one focused on achieving improved outcomes for children and young people and on the system as a whole. To fulfil that purpose, the Group advises, monitors, champions, and acts as a steward for the Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018 and the Strategy (which is a requirement under the Children’s Act 2014).
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