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Work programmes

Our research and experience has led us to identify deliverables that we consider will make the most significant contribution to our outcomes and to the Government's priorities. These deliverables are detailed in the work programmes and initiatives which the Ministry undertakes.

Current programmes

Wage Subsidy Fraud and Integrity Programme

The Wage Subsidy was a high-trust scheme providing rapid payments up front to businesses affected by COVID-19 restrictions so that employers could continue to pay their employees. The aim was to help prevent job losses and business closures, and employers undertook to pass payments on to staff in wages.

About $18.8 billion was delivered in 2020 and 2021 for wages for more than 1.8 million jobs. Overall 47 per cent of New Zealand jobs, excluding sole traders, were covered by at least one of the 2021 wage subsidies.

Two years later MSD has a substantial continuing work programme aimed at providing assurance that those who received payments were entitled to them.

Equitable Transitions Strategy

The Government wants New Zealand to move to a low-emissions economy. This is part of their action to address climate change. The transition to a low-emissions future presents opportunities as well as challenges and the Government wants this to be fair for everyone.

Identity checks and online verification

MSD is working on an initiative for clients to verify their identity online. This will make accessing MSD products and services faster and easier.

Te Pae Tawhiti Programme

Te Pae Tawhiti Programme (the Programme) is a multi-year change work programme to enable the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to deliver services that are easier to use, more accessible and integrated across employment, housing, and income support.

New Ministry for Disabled People

The Government is introducing a Ministry for Disabled People, to be established by 1 July 2022. It will lead the realisation of a true partnership between the disability community and government, and to help drive ongoing transformation of the disability system in line with the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach.

The new Ministry will take on most functions currently delivered by the Disability Directorate (DSD) in the Ministry of Health (MoH), as well as taking on new responsibilities.

The new Ministry will have a range of functions that will expand in the future as Disability System Transformation progresses.

Review of Working for Families Tax credits

The Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue are currently consulting on Working for Families tax credits (WfF) and would like to hear your views.

The consultation is part of the Government’s review of Working for Families, to understand how it can be improved to better meet the needs of families in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Taking Enabling Good Lives (EGL) nationwide

Enabling Good Lives is centred on the ‘person, their strengths and aspirations’, and it’s an approach that works, as we’ve seen in the pilot regions. It enables disabled people and their family/whanau to have much more choice and control over their own lives and the supports they receive.

Government is building on an approach and system that works, and rolling out Enabling Good Lives right across the entire country.

Making Aotearoa accessible

Government has stated that a new and innovative approach is needed to meaningfully improve accessibility in New Zealand.

Government is introducing a new framework that takes a progressive approach to identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to participation for disabled people, tāngata whaikaha Māori, and others with accessibility needs.

It is also introducing new stand-alone legislation lays the foundations to make New Zealand as accessible as possible, through the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill.

To sit alongside the disability system reform and to support the legislation, Government is also establishing an independent Accessibility Governance Board to ensure disabled people continue to be involved in decision making at the highest level possible.

Accessibility Charter

The Ministry of Social Development is delivering a programme of work to ensure the public sector is accessible for everyone and inclusive of disabled people.

The programme is delivered across central and local government, including core public sector agencies, Crown entities, District Health Board’s (DHBs), and local authorities.

Each organisation engages in a programme that will help to embed accessibility as “business as usual” within their organisation. Here you can find out about having an endorsed leadership commitment to developing and implementing a strategy and action plan, and opportunities to share your progress.

New Zealand Income Support Survey

The New Zealand Income Support Survey is a nationwide survey.

We are hearing from around 2,000 New Zealanders about:

  • their awareness of income support payments,
  • their possible eligibility, and
  • their experiences applying for income support.

Information about the survey is available in Te Reo Māori and English.

Lead programme of work

The Lead programme of work is designed to support leaders, managers and human resource professionals to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for disabled people.

Social Worker Registration

Find out about the changes that the Government is making to social worker registration. Legislation is being progressed that will bring into effect mandatory registration for anyone who is practising as a social worker. There will also be more requirements of employers, some changes in how the Social Workers Registration Board (the SWRB) operates, and a range of other changes impacting on social workers.

Strengthening our service culture

We want people to feel welcome and have a positive experience every time they come to us for help. We’ve been working with our clients, staff and community groups to hear what’s important to them, and we’re making some changes to how we do things.

Community programmes

We partner with a range of key organisations, sectors and industries to ensure that programmes, services and products are available to support New Zealanders. We are focused on preventing and reducing vulnerability and harm for individuals, families and whānau, and communities.

Public housing and support services

MSD works with the housing sector to deliver more housing and support services for New Zealanders in need.

Claims of abuse or neglect while in state care

If you believe you have been badly treated or neglected while in the care of the Child Welfare Division, the Department of Social Welfare, or Child, Youth and Family, the Ministry of Social Development wants to work with you to see if we can help.

Kaupapa Inquiries

The Waitangi Tribunal is carrying out a comprehensive programme of Kaupapa Inquiries. These deal with nationally significant issues affecting Māori as a whole which will require a whole of New Zealand Government response. They include issues such as housing, health and disability, mana wahine, social services and social development.

Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme

New Zealand has amongst the highest reported rates of family violence and sexual violence in the developed world. A cross-government work programme is putting in place a wide range of initiatives to stop violence from occurring, reduce the harm it causes, and break the cycle of re-victimisation and re-offending.

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Our programmes

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