Publications and resources
Resource centre for Ministry publications, statistics and fact sheets.
This section contains publications and resources produced by the Ministry of Social Development.
Please note: Some of our documents are published in PDF format. Where possible, we may also publish these documents in other electronic formats to make our information more accessible.
Publications 2025
Public Service Commission Inquiry into Protection of Personal Information
These documents were provided to the PSC by MSD in relation to their inquiry.
Publications 2024
He Poutama Taitamariki and He Poutama Rangatahi Evaluations
These evaluations look at two complementary programmes that aim to improve outcomes for rangatahi (aged 15-24), who are not currently in employment, education, or training (NEETs) and are most at risk of long-term unemployment.
Full and correct entitlement report
In July 2022, we began a 12-month pilot to assess whether clients were receiving their full and correct entitlement.
NEET Trial Services Evaluation
The Youth Service NEET (not in education, employment or training) Trial Services evaluation report was prepared for the Ministry of Social Development by Malatest International.
The Families Package monitoring and evaluation: Final update
From 2019 to 2023 MSD led a programme of work to monitor and evaluate the impacts of the Families Package initiatives. The final Families Package update summarises the key findings from all the studies completed as part of the evaluation and relevant monitoring data. There are separate reports that summarise the key findings for Māori and Pacific Peoples.
Total Incomes annual report – 2024
The Total Incomes Annual Report 2024 is the latest in MSD’s regular reporting on client total incomes, which began in 2022. A custom database is used to outline the overall level of payments and financial support received by main benefit clients – referred to as their ‘total income’.
Older people experiencing vulnerability and multiple disadvantage in New Zealand
This report presents the first phase of work and demonstrates where compounding hardship is occurring across different communities in Aotearoa, NZ.
Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan 2022-2023
The 2022/23 Action Plan shows MSD’s commitment and focus to reducing its gender and ethnic pay gaps. The plan outlines the efforts MSD has made to date as well as the areas we will target to reduce any further internal pay gaps in alignment with Te Kawa Mataaho’s Kia Toipoto.
The Investment Approach - Employment and Social Outcomes Investment Strategies
Our latest Investment Strategy sets the investment shifts and principles that will inform employment spending allocations over the next few years.
Annual Report 2024
The Annual Report shows how the Ministry has made progress towards achieving the outcomes and acknowledges the challenges it has faced across the year. This Annual Report includes service performance results and full financial statements for the year.
Youth health and wellbeing survey results
The Youth Health and Wellbeing Survey called What About Me? surveyed 7,209 young people years 9 to 13 in their schools during 2021. Read the report of the results from young people surveyed in school settings.
Child Poverty in New Zealand
This report uses Stats NZ survey data to describe day-to-day life for children living in households defined as poor by the measures used in the Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018, show trends material hardship and low incomes for households with children, and to provide international comparisons as to how New Zealand children are faring.
What happened to people who left the benefit system
This series of reports uses anonymised cross-government data to describe what people did once they exited the benefit system – for example if they went into employment, or some form of education/training. It also follows their outcomes for 12 months after their exit.
Ordering a publication
We have limited hard copies of some publications available. Please email for further information.