Report contents - Annual Report 2019 - 2020
- Te Kupu Whakataki a te Tumuaki
- Chief executive's foreword
- Our operating context
- We have a central role in social development in New Zealand
- Our outcomes framework describes what we are seeking to achieve and how we will achieve them
- Te Pae Tawhiti
- We provide a wide range of services to New Zealanders
- We provided support to many more people than usual this year
- We provide policy and other advice to Ministers
- We operate from locations across New Zealand, some of which are multifunctional
- We receive all our funding from the Crown
- Our story in 2019/20
- Overview
- In early 2020 New Zealand faced its largest public health challenge in over a century
- We are proactively connecting people back into the workforce
- Ngā Puna Pūkenga, a Skills for Industry programme
- All hands on deck to help New Zealanders during COVID-19
- We continued to help people into sustainable housing
- Inner-city Auckland people needing emergency housing
- Intensive support for people in emergency housing
- We continued to work with iwi as part of our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- We focused on working with the Pacific community to build capability
- We worked with partners in regional communities to provide services to support vulnerable people
- Government, community and business come together
- Trusted community relationships prove invaluable
- Refugees and migrant communities supported
- The Hive – the rangatahi voice
- Clients told us they trust us
- We managed our finances effectively
- Indicators help us understand our progress towards achieving our outcomes, impacts and key shifts
- Achievement of our performance targets was affected by the COVID-19 response
- Looking to the horizon: we will continue to respond to the COVID-19 impact in the coming year
- Our organisational capability enables us to deliver high-quality services
- Supporting our people to grow and develop is part of our organisational culture
- Our Leadership Team is supported by a robust governance structure
- We take privacy and security of information seriously
- Building our data, analytics and insights capability
- Our technology strategy
- Managing the performance of our departmental assets
- Statement of responsibility