Guidance and resources for BFC providers
On this Page:
This page provides resources for providers of Building Financial Capability (BFC) services.
Service Guidelines
Services must be delivered in accordance with the BFC and BFC Plus Service Guidelines.
Client outcomes measurement
MSD provides two ways to measure BFC clients' outcomes:
- Client-led Outcomes
- Wellbeing - Hauora reflection
Both are mandatory for all BFC providers. The only non-mandatory component is the Client Satisfaction Net Promoter Score in the Wellbeing - Hauora reflection, as this is primarily for Providers’ use.
Client Voices is the preferred method to administer the questions to clients; forms are also available for BFC providers to download:
Using the tools
Client outcomes measurement training
Training hui for BFC Providers provided an overview.
Financial Plan of Action resources
The Financial Plan of Action is a resource for clients and whānau to document their goals, supported by a financial mentor.
The A4 version can be printed as a booklet; the A3 version shows the plan at a glance on two large sheets.
Editable versions of the Financial Plan of Action
Clients (or providers) can insert text, pictures or symbols using these files.
Financial Plan of Action guidelines
There is also a guide to support work with clients on the Financial Plan of Action.
MoneyMates resources
MoneyMates is based around the concept of sharing and learning together as a group.
Providers should use the MoneyMates guide for facilitators. This outlines the consistent approach expected and provides ten modules of resources. This is not a curriculum - the group decides what they want to learn together. Material from other sources may be used if the group agrees.
Download the MoneyMates guide
For faster download, the components of the guide are also available:
Welcome Guide
The Welcome guide is a resource available to financial mentors working in a Building Financial Capability service.