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The Financial Plan of Action

The Financial Plan of Action is a resource for clients, their families and whānau to document their goals, supported, where necessary, by a financial mentor.

It is a simple, paper-based document that is easy to update and keep front of mind. With the support of a financial mentor, the Financial Plan of Action helps people to:

  • share their aspirations, to understand what they need to achieve the change they want
  • build financial capability and resilience
  • identify their strengths and what has worked for them in the past
  • view challenges as opportunities, not obstacles

Who is it for?

The Financial Plan of Action is for BFC provider's clients and their families and whānau.

It is designed to be accessible and relevant for the diverse range of people in hardship that use BFC services. This includes Māori, Pacific, people with English as a second language or low-literacy and people with disabilities.

Get the Financial Plan of Action and guide

The Financial Plan of Action is available in two formats. You can print these off yourself or you can order supplies of the printed versions free of charge.

There is also a detailed guide to support financial mentors with their work with their clients on the Financial Plan of Action.

Other guidance and resources for providers

We also have other guidelines and resources for providers to use:

  • BFC guidance and resources for providers includes all resources for: the Financial Plan of Action, MoneyMates resources, posters and flyers, the BFC Services Guidelines, Results Measurement Framework and the Client Outcomes Measurement Tool
  • BFC funding model - the way we fund BFC services was developed through the co-design process. Find out more about the funding allocation model and how we purchase and price the core components.

Your feedback

We are always keen to hear your feedback about these resources – please email us.

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