Social Workers Registration Legislation Amendment Bill: Delaying the repeal of the experience pathway for social worker registration
03 April 2024.
These papers relate to the Social Workers Registration Legislation Amendment Bill which proposed to delay the repeal of the experience pathway for social worker registration from 28 February 2024 to 28 February 2026.
Cabinet agreement to delaying the repeal of the experience pathway
These papers sought Cabinet agreement to delay the repeal of the experience pathway to social worker registration to 28 February 2028 through the Social Workers Registration Legislation Amendment Bill. This amendment will allow people to continue to register as social workers using their practical experience if they can demonstrate they meet the criteria set by the Social Workers Registration Board.
The experience pathway was due to be repealed on 28 February 2024 and more time is needed for the sector to respond to the workforce shortages in the sector and recent extension of the social work pay equity settlement to the Government-funded sector. Delaying the repeal of the experience pathway also allows time to undertake policy work to broaden entry pathways into the social worker profession.
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Amending the Bill to shorten the timeframe to two years
This Cabinet paper sought Cabinet agreement to amend the Social Workers Registration Legislation Amendment Bill to shorten the proposed timeframe for the delay of the repeal of the experience pathway for social worker registration by two years to 28 February 2026. The Bill initially proposed to delay the repeal of the experience pathway by four years, from 28 February 2024 to 28 February 2028.
This amendment was proposed to balance the need to support the social worker sector in the short-term to address workforce supply issues, while maintaining the emphasis on transitioning to a professional qualification setting as soon as possible.