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Cabinet papers - Information releases

Proactively releasing information promotes good government, openness and transparency, and fosters public trust and confidence in agencies. MSD supports the proactive release of Cabinet papers in line with the guidance set out in the Cabinet Manual and Cabinet Office Circular (18) 4.

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22 July 2024

The Cabinet paper ‘Student Allowances Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2024’ seeks approval to submit the Student Allowances Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2024 to the Executive Council, which will maintain the current abatement regime for Student Allowance payments for students under 24 years of age once personal income tax thresholds are increased on 31 July 2024

1 July 2024

This paper seeks approval of the proposed Government response to the petition of Brian Webb, entitled “Align Weekly Earnings to Eight Hours of the Minimum Wage Before Reducing Benefits.” 

1 July 2024

The Children’s Act 2014 requires the Government to adopt, publish and review a Strategy for improving the well-being of children. The Minister for Child Poverty Reduction intends to undertake targeted consultation on specific elements of an updated Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy, to refresh the Strategy.

25 June 2024

The Cabinet paper seeks Cabinet Legislation Committee’s authorisation to submit the Amendment Regulations to the Executive Council to make the routine technical adjustments to the Residential Care Subsidy settings to account for inflation in accordance with the Consumers Price Index as part of the 2024 Annual General Adjustment.

20 June 2024

These papers outline initial steps to end the large-scale and long-term use of motels for emergency housing (EH) and immediate actions to get families out of EH and into permanent housing more quickly.

17 June 2024

The purpose of this paper is to provide a report back on the progress of the Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD’s) implementation of the Te Haoroa Data Warehouse Replacement Programme (Te Haoroa).

22 May 2024

The paper seeks agreement to amendments to the Social Security Regulations 2018 to allow parents and caregivers access to the Childcare Subsidy to pay for top-up payments required by home-based educators for 20 Hours ECE from 3 June 2024.

15 May 2024

 Amendments to the Social Security Regulations are required to ensure that the increased scope of TAA recipients would not have their existing financial assistance impacted by TAA payments.

14 May 2024

Introducing a phased approach to strengthen independence and monitoring of the oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System.

13 May 2024

The Government is required to respond to the report of the Petitions Committee on the Petition of Andrew Wilson: Rezone Accommodation Supplement Eligibility for Queenstown Residents.

8 April 2024

The paper ‘Annual General Adjustment 2024’ seeks to submit to the Executive Council the Orders and Amendment Regulations for the 2024 Annual General Adjustment (AGA). These instruments will give effect to the 2024 AGA and reflect the change to index main benefits by increases in the Consumers Price Index (CPI).

8 April 2024

The paper ‘Recommencing Public Housing Tenancy Reviews’ sets out decisions to recommence public housing tenancy reviews, with an initial focus on eligible tenants paying the market rent, that have held a tenancy for three years or more.

3 April 2024

These papers relate to the Social Workers Registration Legislation Amendment Bill which proposed to delay the repeal of the experience pathway for social worker registration from 28 February 2024 to 28 February 2026.

19 March 2024

The paper ‘Shifting People from Welfare to Work’ informed Cabinet on the first actions to shift people from the Jobseeker Support benefit into work and reduce benefit dependency.

6 March 2024

The paper ‘Social Security (Benefits Adjustment) and Income Tax (Minimum Family Tax Credit) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction’ sought approval for the introduction of the Social Security (Benefits Adjustment) and Income Tax (Minimum Family Tax Credit) Amendment Bill (the Bill) to the House.

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