Cabinet papers - Information releases
Proactively releasing information promotes good government, openness and transparency, and fosters public trust and confidence in agencies. MSD supports the proactive release of Cabinet papers in line with the guidance set out in the Cabinet Manual and Cabinet Office Circular (18) 4.
This paper seeks approval for the Social Security Amendment Bill to be introduced to the House of Representatives before the end of 2024.
This paper sought Cabinet agreement to introduce the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Amendment Bill. The paper outlines the changes that will be made through the Amendment Bill.
This paper contains Cabinet decisions for next steps to improve the sustainability of Disability Support Services. It follows the recommendations from the Independent Review of Disability Support Services.
This Cabinet paper seeks Cabinet approval to publish the refreshed Child and Youth Strategy, notes the changes to the Child Poverty Related Indicators, and reports back to Cabinet on reviewing the child poverty reduction targets and measures. The accompanying reports set out the advice considered by the Minister in the development of the refreshed Strategy and the updated Child Poverty Related Indicators.
The paper outlines the next steps needed to strengthen independence and monitoring of the oversight of the Oranga Tamariki system.