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Publication Archive
Listed are out of print publications from the Department of Social Welfare and the Ministry of Social Policy.
We do not hold hard or electronic copies of these publications.
These titles can only be requested through your local library interloan services.
The adequacy of the national supply of general purpose Family Homes
Donnell, Anne 1988
Adult Adoption Information Act 1985
Department of Social Welfare 1988
An agenda for family violence research
Family Violence Unit, Social Policy Agency and Social Policy Branch, Te Puni Kokiri 1998
1998-1999 Annual Report
Published by the Department of Social Welfare 1999
Attitudes to family violence: a study across cultures
Synergy Applied Research Ltd and FVPCC c/- Department of Social Welfare 1988
Benefiting women: income support for women 1893-1993
Beaglehole, Ann 1993
Better times: contributing to the mental health of children and young people
New Zealand. Ministry of Health 1999
Breaking the cycle: an interagency guide to child abuse
Breaking the cycle: interagency protocols for child abuse management
Budgeting assistance and low-income families: a survey of patterns of income and expenditure of New Zealand Federation of Family Budgeting Service clients
Wilson, Anthony G. 1995
Career aspirations and experiences of women and men in DSW
Burns, Janice 1987
Case management examples: strengthening families
Ministry of Social Policy 1999
The Characteristics of children in five common placements used by the Department of Social Welfare
Mackay, R. A. 1988
Child abuse in New Zealand: a report on a nationwide survey of the physical ill-treatment of children in New Zealand
Fergusson, D. M. 1972
Child protection: investigation, decision-making and management
Department of Social Welfare 1988
Children in foster care: an examination of the case histories of a sample of children in care, with particular emphasis on placements of children in foster homes
Mackay, R. A. 1981
Children in New Zealand in the1990s: a response to the World Summit for Children, New York1990
Social Policy Agency 1995
Children Young Persons and their Families Act 1989: Report on its first year of operation
Renouf, J 1990
A civilised community: a history of social security in New Zealand 1898-1998
McClure, Margaret 1998
Client consultation: social services competencies project
Department of Social Welfare 1992
Community care of dependent adults: a paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Social Policy
Department of Social Welfare 1988
Community residential services for people with an intellectual handicap
Department of Social Welfare 1990
Community residential services for people with an intellectual disability
Department of Social Welfare 1991
Conference proceedings: Beyond dependency: tu mana motuhake: 16-19 March1997
Department of Social Welfare 1997
The correlates of severe child abuse
Fergusson, D. M. 1973
The costs of welfare dependence: an analysis of the fiscal and economic costs of non-participation in the workforce
Creative youth justice practice
Levine, Marlene et al 1998
Crime prevention implementation plan: 1995-97
A critical review of literature on the measurement of family violence and a proposal for a New Zealand study
Haines, Hilary 1991
Dangerous situations: the report of the Independent Inquiry Team reporting on the circumstances of the death of a child
Pilalis, Jennie 1989
Delinquency: care, control and prevention: a literature review for policy makers
Devoy, Shaun 1986
Demographic and social trends: their implications for the Department of Social Welfare
Norris, Marion 1990
Department of Social Welfare: a report on the establishment of a new department by the amalgamation of the Social Security Department and the Child Welfare Division of the Department of Education
Healy, A. J. 1970
Department of Social Welfare crime prevention management plan
Social Policy Agency 1994
The Department of Social Welfare family violence strategic plan
Department of Social Welfare 1994
The Department of Social Welfare victims strategic plan
Social Policy Agency 1994
The Department of Social Welfare white-collar crime strategic plan
Department of Social Welfare 1995
Development and management plan for specialist services to the Department of Social Welfare
Vincent, Prue 1986
Devolution: the path ahead for Maori development: employment of Iwi staff
Department of Social Welfare Maori Development Unit 1989
The domestic purposes benefit and reproductive and marital behaviour: claims and evidence: a paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Social Policy
Department of Social Welfare 1988
Domestic purposes benefit / liable parent contribution systems review: report of a Departmental Review Group
Department of Social Welfare 1985
DSW bicultural approach: towards reducing dependency
Department of Social Welfare 1990
DSW strategic plan for support for at risk families and whanau
Department of Social Welfare - Crime Prevention Team 1995
DSW strategic plan for youth at risk of offending
Department of Social Welfare - Crime Prevention Team 1995
Early contact in adoption
Dominick, Clare 1988
The effectiveness of the training incentive allowance
Harland, Susan 1989
Equivalent income
Susan Rutherford, Abdur Khan, Mike Rochford, Georgie Hall,
Department of Social Welfare, 1990
An evaluation of the Independent Circumstances Allowance
Levine, Marlene 1991
An evaluation of the organisation and operation of care and protection family group conferences.
Paterson, Harvey, Michael 1991
An evaluation of the Stepping Out Programme
Rochford, M. W. 1990
Experiencing foster care: the views of children, natural family and foster parents
Whitney, Lynne 1988
An exploratory application of income equivalences to the examination of household living levels
Rochford, M. W. 1984
Factors affecting the ability of older people to live independently: a report for the International Year of Older Persons
Dwyer, Maire; Gray, Alison; Renwick, Margery; Ministry of Social Policy 2000
Facts for foster families
Department of Social Welfare 1984
Family members' experiences of the care and protection family group conference process
Gilling, Marg 1995
Family violence: paper prepared for TORC - DSW
Neale, Jenny 1988
Family violence in New Zealand
Family violence: prevention in the 1990's conference proceedings volume 1
Family Violence Prevention Co-ordinating Committee, 1991
Department of Social Welfare 1994
Final report on the evaluation of the Compass Pilot programme
Colmar Brunton Research 1995
Foodbanks in New Zealand: patterns of growth and use
Social Policy Agency 1994
Forms of social protection provided for the family: national experience of New Zealand
Department of Social Welfare 1991
Foster care survey: some initial results
Groves, Dulcie 1978
From welfare to justice: Towards new Social Work practice with young offenders: an overseas study tour report
Doolan, M.P. 1988
From welfare to well-being - Mai i te toko i te ora ki te oranga
Department of Social Welfare 1994
From welfare to well-being - mai i te toko i te ora ki te oranga
Department of Social Welfare 1995
From welfare to well-being: mai i te toko i te ora ki te oranga: bringing the threads together
Department of Social Welfare 1996
From welfare to well-being and strengthening families: an historical record 1993-1999
Ministry of Social Policy 2001
From welfare to well-being - well-being for our children and young people
Department of Social Welfare, 1997
Future directions for social work: discussion papers
Department of Social Welfare 1988
Gatherings: a strategy for staff and clients from ethnic groups
Department of Social Welfare 1997
The government budget and social policy
Snively, S. L. 1988
Growing up fostered: four young people present an in-depth view of how it feels to be 'nobody's child'
Duffin, Julia Macaskill 1985
The growth and development of social security in New Zealand: a survey of social security in New Zealand from 1898 to 1949
New Zealand - Social Security Dept. 1950
A Guide to children and young persons legislation, December1986
Department of Social Welfare 1986
H.O.M.E.S.: homes ongoing monitoring evaluation system: registration and monitoring of homes for people with psychiatric disabilities
Department of Social Welfare 1992
The home situations of juvenile offenders
O'Connell, B. M. 1975
Historical notes on the Epuni Residential Centre, Lower Hutt
Historical notes on the Elliot Street Residential Centre, Dunedin
Historical notes on the Kingslea Residential Centre, Shirley, Christchurch
Historical notes on the Weymouth Residential Centre, Manurewa, Auckland
HOMESP: Homes ongoing Monitoring Evaluation System
New Zealand Community Funding Agency 1994
How many offend?: a descriptive account of levels of offending in a cohort of New Zealand boys
Donnell, A.A. 1982
The identified gaps between the needs of children and young people between 10-17 years and the services provided by community groups
Elborn, Sheryn
The implications of selected dimensions of social and demographic change for the Department of Social Welfare
Jones, Alan 1984
In the absence of a fairy godmother or training for organisational transformation: an evaluation of the transition training programme NZCYPS1994
Appleton, Cherie 1994
Income adequacy standards for New Zealand
Brashares, Edith 1990
Income equivalence: its conceptual basis and applications in social policy analysis
Jensen, John E. 1989
Income equivalences and the estimation of family expenditures on children
Jensen, John E. 1988
Incomes monitoring report 1981-1991
Mowbray, Mary 1993
Income support for the unemployed and labour supply behaviour: three frameworks for analysis
Moira Wilson, Research Series No. 19, Social Policy Agency, 1996
Institutional racism in the Department of Social Welfare, Tamaki-makau-rau
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Instruments and scales for assessing CYPFS client needs and outcomes
Scott, Graeme 1998
The intensive foster care scheme: a final report on the scheme
Von Dadelszen 1988
Inter-country adoption resource paper
Becket, Mary 1989
Interim report on the intensive foster care scheme
MacKay, R. A. 1983
International Year of Older Persons1999: final report
Ministry of Social Policy 2000
Issues paper: Maori input into the social welfare policy business
Kenny, Thom 1992
Issues paper: Pacific Islands input into the development of social welfare policy
Department of Social Welfare 1992
Lali: pate: nafa: strategy for Pacific Islands employment and service delivery
Department of Social Welfare 1996
Linkage: a handbook for developing and maintaining intergenerational programmes
New Zealand Social Policy Agency 1999
Literature review and analysis of mandatory reporting
Hewitt, Adrienne 1992
Lone parents and paid work: a study of employment patterns and barriers, and options for change
Levine, Marlene 1993
Maatua Whangai
Department of Social Welfare Maori Development Unit 1986
Maatua Whangai: a new direction
Department of Social Welfare Maori Development Unit 1989
Implementing puao-te-ata-tu, series one
Maatua whangai: whakapakari whanau = Family decision making: the implications
Department of Social Welfare Maori Development Unit
The measurement of Care and Protection and Youth Justice Outcomes within CYPS: discussion paper May 1996
Barber, Jim 1996
The measurement of family violence: a critical review of the literature
Lapsley, Hilary 1993
Meeting maori needs in the Department of Social Welfare
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Ministry of Social Policy briefing papers1999
Ministry of Social Policy 1999
Ministry of Social Policy Senior Citizens Unit: post election briefing paper1999
Ministry of Social Policy 1999
New beginnings: ara hou: working towards excellence in residential care practice
New Zealand Children and Young Persons Service 1993
New horizons: a review of the residential services of the Department of Social Welfare
Carson, Richard C. 1982
New Zealand economic cost of family violence
Snively, S. L. 1994
New Zealand Government statement of policy on family violence = Te Tauaki kaupapa here a te kawanatanga o Aotearoa e pa ana ki nga tukinotanga a-whanau
Dept. of the Prime Minister and Cabinet; DSW 1996
Notes for guidance on child psychotherapy services within the Department of Social Welfare
Department of Social Welfare 1979
NZCFA study on the viability of the not-for-profit sector in New Zealand
Ernst & Young (N.Z.) 1996
Observations on the implementation of video legislation for child witnesses in Britain: some comparisons with New Zealand
Wilson, Karen 1994
One in four: offending from age ten to twenty-four in a cohort of New Zealand males
Lovell, Ron.
The operation of equal employment opportunities in the Department of Social Welfare: a summary of research results
Norris, Marion 1990
Opotiki Development Project Evaluation
April 1999
Orders of the Youth Court and the work of youth justice co-ordinators
Levine, Marlene 1991
Organisation and operation of care and protection family group conferences
Karen Paterson and Michael Harvey, 1991
Organisation of adoption services
Department of Social Welfare 1983
The organisation of purchase and delivery of social services: report prepared for the Department of Social Welfare
Dwyer, G.E. 1996
Organisational transformation: the Income Support experience
Petrie, Murray 1998
Dept of Social Welfare 1998
Patterns and reflections: Mehemea
Kinley, Liz 1997
Patterns of juvenile offending in New Zealand, No 6, summary statistics for 1985-1989
Ron Lovell, 1993
The findings of 12 case reviews that relate to children and young persons who died during1994 and1995.
Policies and standards for information management and systems
Department of Social Welfare 1994
Preventive social policy: the prospects for developing policies which will reduce the incidence of malign social phenomena: a paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Social Policy
Department of Social Welfare 1988
A profile of sole parents from the1986 census
Rochford, M. W. (Michael William) 1992
A profile of sole parents from the1991 census
Rochford, M. W. (Michael William) 1993
Programme for the rehabilitation and training of disabled persons
New Zealand - Social Security Department 1970
Puao-te-ata-tu = Day break: the report of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on a Maori Perspective for the Department of Social Welfare
Rangihau, John Te Rangi-Aniwaniwa 1986
Te Punga: our bicultural strategy for the nineties
Department of Social Welfare 1994
Raising the issues: report of the Senior Citizens Unit 1993 Consultation programme with older people and groups representing their interests
Social Policy Agency 1994
Rationales for income support: a paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Social Policy
Department of Social Welfare 1987
Reciprocity with Australia: policy manual
Department of Social Welfare 1987
Recognition of child abuse and neglect = tirohanga tukino tamariki
Children, Young Persons and Their Families Service 1997
The Red Cross Family Support Scheme: a full statistical report on the monitoring of the scheme during its first year of operation, 1979-1980
Mackay, R. A 1982
Report of the Joint Ministerial Working Party for the Transition of Administration of Childcare from the Department of Social Welfare to the Department of Education
Report of the Ministerial Review into Benefit Fraud and Abuse
Ministerial Review into Benefit Fraud and Abuse (N.Z.) 1986
Report of the Working Party on Family Work Practices in the Department of Social Welfare
Report on an investigation into implications of the closure of Karitane hospitals
Department of Social Welfare 1978
Report on intensive foster care scheme: December 1979 - February 1982
Department of Social Welfare 1982
Report on the child and adolescent sexual abusers/offenders project: stage one
Erickson, Fran 1994
Report on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the review system for children in care
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Report to Department of Social Welfare: residential community services for people with intellectual handicaps
Ernst & Young (NZ) Centre for Professional Development New Zealand 1990
Research design for investigating a socio-economic hypothesis of crime amongst Maori
Jensen, John E. 1968
Researching care and protection: a proposal for a study of the outcome of interventions under the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989
Maxwell, Gabrielle M. 1995
Residential community services for people with an intellectual handicap
Department of Social Welfare 1990
Retirement patterns in New Zealand 1976 and 1981
Rochford, M. W. 1985
Review of adoption law: adoption by Maori: a consultation document.
Social Policy Agency
Review of children and young persons legislation: public discussion paper
Manchester, Brian 1984
Review of the CYPF Act 1989 - The Government's response to the report of the ministerial review team and report of the ministerial review team to the Minister of Social Welfare
Department of Social Welfare, 1992
Review of Iwi Social Services Strategy: Children, Young Persons and their Families Agency
Irwin, Ken; Cox, Lois 1999
Review of regional offices: report of Assistant Director-General (Programmes and Services)
Nixon, Alan 1990
Review of residential services
Department of Social Welfare 1989
Review of special purpose family homes
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Review of the Children and Young Persons Bill
Renouf, J 1987
Review of the Department of Social Welfare Volunteer Programme
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Review of the management of equal employment opportunities in the Department of Social Welfare
Department of Social Welfare 1991
Review of the Social Work Division, Department of Social Welfare the working party's final report
Comer, T. M. 1982
Sexual abuse study: an examination of the histories of sexual abuse among girls currently in the care of the Department of Social Welfare
Von Dadelszen 1987
Single parenthood in New Zealand: an economic analysis of financial incentive structure provided by the Domestic Purposes Benefit as viewed from the perspective of a solo parent
Hunter, Andrew D 1988
Social Assistance: Welfare that works: a statement of government policy on social assistance
Department of Social Welfare 1991
Social environment scan
New Zealand Social Policy Agency 1999
Social services competencies project: Pacific Islands project team
Social services strategy: 1995-2005
Department of Social Welfare 1995
Social work development plan 1989: te ara hou = the new path
Keall, Beverley 1989
Solo parents, benefits and employment
Dominick, Clare 1988
Solvent abuse: the Hamilton situation: report for Department of Social Welfare, Social Work Section, University of Waikato
Britt, Eileen F. 1985
Some recent developments in social welfare policy in New Zealand in relation to children, youth and women
Jensen, John E 1976
Strategies for the evaluation of the child care programmes of the Department of Social Welfare
Luketina, Francis 1984
Strengthening families for well-being: from welfare to well-being
Wellington: Dept. of Social Welfare 1997
Study of family home usage: a report based on information collected from Department of Social Welfare social workers in six offices
Donnell, Anne 1988
Survey of families receiving special financial assistance through the Department of Social Welfare
Wilde, Vicki. 1984
A survey of living standards of beneficiaries
Rochford, M. W. 1987
Survey of persons aged 65 years and over: report of results relating to Social Security benefit rates
Department of Social Welfare 1975
There are no super parents
Department of Social Welfare 1989
There are no super parents
Department of Social Welfare 1996
Toward community: resourcing the proposed children and young persons legislation
Duffin, Julia Macaskill 1986
Towards a code of social and family responsibility : he kaupapa kawenga whanau, kawenga hapori: discussion pack fact sheets
Department of Social Welfare 1998
Towards a code of social and family responsibility: the response report
The Department of Social Welfare 1998
Transracial and inter-country adoption: a selected & annotated bibliography
McIntyre, Raymond J. 1992
Truancy: a detailed approach
Department of Social Welfare 1992
Two income families in New Zealand
Georgie Hall, 1987
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: New Zealand compliance in relation to care and protection and youth justice
Bolton, Richard 1994
United Nations documents: international human rights treaties
Vervoort, Veronique 1995
Units of assessment for social security: a paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Social Policy
Department of Social Welfare 1987
The views of foster children and their natural families on two fostering systems operated by the Department of Social Welfare: the intensive foster care scheme and conventional foster care
Mackay, R. A 1984
Vocational services review: the report of the Department Review Team on Support for Sheltered Workshops and the provision of Employment and Vocational Assistance to People with Disabilities
Department of Social Welfare 1989
Te Wakahuia o Puao-Te-Ata-Tu
Social Policy Agency 1994
Welfare indicators: some thoughts about current statistics, and possible further developments, on selected dimensions of welfare
Mackay, R. A. 1988
Well-being for our children and young people: From welfare to well-being = Mai i te toko i te ora ki te oranga
Department of Social Welfare 1997
What changes as a result of participation in a stopping violence programme?
Lloyd-Pask, Julianne 1992
What is legal supervision?: a report based on a survey of social workers
Department of Social Welfare 1983
Why are they hard to place?: a needs assessment of children and young people with special needs
Hercock, Peter 1993
Women and social welfare: a report for the Director-General of Social Welfare
Department of Social Welfare 1985
Women and welfare in Aotearoa. An annotated bibliography
Department of Social Welfare 1993
Women and welfare work: 1893-1993.
Ehrhardt, Penny 1993
Women's labour force participation in New Zealand: the past 100 years
Davies, Lisa 1993
Working for the welfare: stories by staff of the former Child Welfare Division
McDonald, D. J 1994
The youth justice system in the Porirua and Kapiti areas: an overview of the statistics for the period from November 1989 to December 1990
Bayliss, William P. 1991