He Poutama Taitamariki and He Poutama Rangatahi Evaluations
These evaluations look at two complementary programmes that aim to improve outcomes for rangatahi (aged 15-24), who are not currently in employment, education, or training (NEETs) and are most at risk of long-term unemployment.
The evaluations examined the extent to which the initiatives assisted participants to attain social connectedness and educational, training and/or employment goals.
Key evaluation findings include
- Analysis of the He Poutama Rangatahi (HPR) and He Poutama Taitamariki (HPT) pilot programme participants (the earliest cohorts of the programmes in 2018-2019) showed positive short-term employment outcomes, however, outcomes were not sustained over time*. Based on learnings from these pilot years, changes were made to the programmes to achieve improved longer-term outcomes.
- For HPT, whakawhanaungatanga and te Ao Māori were key enablers in helping taitamariki develop a greater sense of belonging and connection with others, increased self-confidence, improved emotional wellbeing and strengthened cultural identity.
- HPR assisted participants to overcome barriers (such as health issues, complex home environments, and limited soft skills) to positive outcomes in the labour market and their lives.
Evaluation findings are being used to improve the services and longer-term outcomes for participants
- HPT is developing more hauora and mental-health-focused service supports and has an improved recruitment strategy and a specialised trainer for its youth-sector staff.
- HPR is awarding longer-term contracts to providers to allow for extended pastoral care to provide more ongoing support for rangatahi to find and stay in employment.
- Improvements have been made to data collection which mean impact analysis and regular outcome monitoring using the IDI will be possible for both programmes from mid-2025 when we will be able to compare more recent cohorts of the programmes with previous ones to determine if there has been change over time.
* Due to data availability limitations, IDI analysis was only possible for the participants of the pilot programmes (2018-2019), so results are only reflective of the programmes during their pilot years. Any subsequent changes made to the delivery of the programmes are therefore not included in these results.
There are two evaluation reports and an accompanying technical report.