Tauākī Whakamaunga Atu | Statement of Intent 2022-2026 Summary
English | Te Reo
Who we are and what we do
Our role
Social Development for all New Zealanders
The Ministry of Social Development works to contribute positively to the wellbeing of people today and into the future. Helping people, whānau, families and communities is at the centre of what we do.
Our scope
We are the lead agency for managing and delivering New Zealand’s welfare system
Our responsibilities and functions are:
- providing income support and superannuation services
- providing employment services and support
- designing and delivering community services with others
- allocating funding to community service providers
- providing student allowances and loans
- providing public housing assistance and services
- being the primary provider of social policy and advice to Government
- monitoring three Crown entities and providing advice to the responsible Minister
- hosting Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People, Te Kāhui Kāhu (Social Services Accreditation), the Office for Seniors, the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) and the Independent Children’s Monitor
- ensuring the legislation we administer is effective and fit-for-purpose
- working with other agencies and the wider social sector.
As a Te Tiriti o Waitangi partner, we are committed to supporting and enabling Māori, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities to realise their own potential and aspirations.
Our MSD Values
We care about the wellbeing and success of people
We are inclusive and build belonging
Mahi tahi
We work together, making a difference for communities
Tika me te pono
We do the right thing with integrity
What we want to achieve
Our purpose
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau | We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Our outcomes
What we want to achieve to deliver to our purpose
- New Zealanders get the support they require
- New Zealanders are resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities
- New Zealanders participate positively in society and reach their potential
Our strategic direction
Te Pae Tawhiti – Our Future describes the three strategic shifts we are making across our organisation
Mana manaaki
A positive experience every time.
Partnering for greater impact.
Kia takatū tātou
Supporting long-term social and economic development.
Te Pae Tata – Māori strategy and action plan sets out how we will work with Māori to achieve better outcomes specifically for Māori.
Pacific Prosperity – Our People, Our Solutions, Our Future is our strategy and action plan for achieving positive outcomes for Pacific peoples.
Helping us get there
Te Pae Tawhiti Programme
We’re transforming so we can better understand, connect to, deliver for, and support clients, their whānau, and communities
The Programme is a multi-year change programme to enable us to deliver services that are easier to use, more accessible, and integrated across employment, housing and income support.
The Programme will deliver:
- a better digital experience across all MSD services
- a new service model and stronger case management practice model, with more focus on prevention and sustaining outcomes and intensive support for those who need it most
- simpler processes for seniors, students and working age clients
- smarter ways of partnering with social services, iwi, employers, and commercial suppliers.
Our initial focus is:
- creating a modern digital experience for clients
- developing new case management practices fundamental to the Future Service Model
- enabling New Zealanders to access digital employment services
- significantly improving contract management to allow more efficient and effective partnering.
Our organisational foundations
Delivering our strategy will rely on many things and having the right organisational capability is essential
We will:
- strengthen our responsiveness to Māori
- support our people to help New Zealanders
- look after the health, safety and security of our people, clients and the public
- manage risk in a challenging environment
- support strong decision-making through governance
- enable our people, partners, and New Zealanders with effective digital technologies
- use data, analytics and information to make decisions
- enable smarter investment and asset management
- strengthen commercial operations
- reduce our carbon emissions.