Snapshot of MSD 2016/2017
We work with over 1 million New Zealanders every year.
Through our services we work with almost every New Zealander at some point in their lives.

Text summary
276,041 clients on benefit (down 3,765 since 30 June 2016)
1.9 million face-to-face interviews with clients
almost 22,000 transactions per day
66.2% of applications for financial assistance completed online (June 2016: 55.9%)
17% fewer children in benefit-dependent households than in 2013
30,000 (2016) myMSD registrations
375,000 (2017) myMSD registrations
287,733 Community Services Card holders over 65 years old
712,251 SuperGold Card holders (up 3.4%)
8,583 SuperGold Card business partners
7 million calls answered by Service Delivery contact centre - 80% of calls from clients were categorised and routed correctly by voice-enabled technology
542,639 applications for study assistance processed
27,000 Student Job Search placements
5,353 applications on the housing register (plus 1,420 on the Transfer Register)
2,772 social housing tenancy reviews - 399 households left the social housing market as a result
554 social housing grants for 371 clients
6,950 households placed in social housing
1,123 additional emergency housing places available
66,332 social houses available - 4,600 provided by 34 community housing providers