Marama Edwards – Deputy Chief Executive, Māori, Communities and Partnerships
Role and responsibilities

Marama leads the Māori, Communities and Partnerships group.
This group is responsible for:
- building capability across the organisation to support the aspirations of Māori
- connecting and collaborating to build effective partnerships and community approaches that achieve better outcomes for those who most need our support.
The teams in this group include:
- Māori, Pacific and Ethnic Communities
- Partnerships and Programmes
- Safe, Strong Families and Communities
- Ministry of Youth Development
- Youth Services
- Services and Contracts Management.
Marama has been the Group General Manager of the Community Partnerships and Programmes Group (which in 1 October 2019 became the Māori, Communities and Partnerships group) for the last two years.
Her previous roles at MSD include Associate Deputy Chief Executive Service Delivery and General Manager Housing Assessment.
Find out more about the Māori, Communities and Partnerships group