Our purpose and the outcomes we want to achieve
Our purpose
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
The outcomes we want to achieve
- New Zealanders get the support they require
- New Zealanders are resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities
- New Zealanders participate positively in society and reach their potential
The impact we want to make:
- Improve equity of outcomes, particularly for Māori
- Improve people’s trust and confidence in the welfare system
- Improve effectiveness of support
- Improve awareness of and access to support
- Improve support to people, whānau, and families in hardship or insecure housing
- Improve the safety and strength of people, whānau, families and communities
- Improve how we connect and partner
- Improve our contribution to business and regional development
- Improve sustainable employment outcomes
- Improve people’s readiness for work, including through training and education.
Our outcomes framework can be found in the Tauākī Whakamaunga Atu / Statement of Intent 2022 – 2026.
Our current measures of progress:
- Equity: Māori and Pacific results across other measures
- Client trust: Net trust score
- Client experience: Overall service score
- Accuracy: Accurate benefit entitlement assessments
- Debt: Average overpayment debt
- Timeliness: End-to-end time to receive financial benefit
- Effectiveness of housing services: Housing Support Product effectiveness
- Timeliness: Time taken to be placed on the housing register
- Client experience: Satisfaction with family violence services
- Client experience: Effectiveness of sexual violence services
- Partner experience: Experience of partnering for youth development
- Effectiveness of programmes: Exits following work-readiness intervention
- Client outcome: Sustainable exits into employment
- Future reliance: Average future years on the main benefit
- Programme effectiveness: Effectiveness of employment programme spend.
Our progress against these measures will be provided in our Annual Reports.