Supplying Goods and Services to us
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How we procure good and services
MSD values our relationships with our suppliers. As a core government agency, we use the All of Government panels where possible to select suppliers to work with us, as well as existing supply arrangements that we may have in place.
When MSD needs new supplier arrangements, we advertise via Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) and shortly through our Supplier Portal.
Supplier Portal
We value our relationships with our suppliers. All our commercial suppliers can interact with MSD via the supplier portal. There are two sections in the portal- one for prospective suppliers, and one for suppliers that have an existing contract with MSD.
The supplier portal allows suppliers to view their contract and details with MSD such as their purchase orders, invoices and payments so they can keep on top of the progress of their contract. The portal also holds details such as the suppliers’ company address, emails and contact information.
Register as an MSD Commercial Supplier
You need to register as a supplier with us if:
- you’re currently a supplier of commercial goods or services, or
- you want to be considered as a potential supplier of commercial goods and services to MSD.
Note: If you're not sure if you're already registered with us, email us at nac_suppliers@msd.govt.nz to find out.
The supplier portal makes it easy for you to do business with MSD. In addition to keeping track of existing contracts with us, we provide up-to-date information about potential tenders or opportunities to quote for work when it becomes available.
How to register as a supplier with MSD
You don’t need to be an existing supplier to register with us. Simply use the 'Supplier Registration' link to register- it’s easy!
If you need help with the process, download the Registration User Guide:
Once you have filled in the registration form online, you will receive a system generated email that will ask you to confirm your password, and once you have done this, you can follow the user guide as you work your way through the registration process.
How we purchase goods and services
Commercial Suppliers
Like most Government agencies, we operate on a Purchase Order (PO) system to ensure that the necessary paperwork to support the purchase has occurred in MSD.
Once you have received your purchase order, you must deliver your services as outlined in your contract, and invoice MSD using your PO.
Payments are made, on receipt of invoice, within 10 working days.
We’re accepting eInvoices
MSD can send and receive eInvoices. This is part of a wider government initiative to encourage businesses and government agencies to send and receive eInvoices.
This means we can process and pay your invoice faster.
If you are already set up to sending eInvoices please contact our finance team at NAC_Accounts_Payable@msd.govt.nz and we will be in contact to set you up as an eInvoice supplier.
What is eInvoicing and how does it benefit you?
eInvoicing is the digital exchange of invoice information directly between buyers’ and suppliers’ financial systems, even if these systems are different.
There are many benefits to be being able to send and receive eInvoices- businesses no longer need to generate paper-based or PDF invoices that require printing, posting or emailing, and buyers no longer need to enter these manually into their financial system.
Removing manual handling of your invoices means they get to the right place (and don’t get lost) and prevents errors from happening – all helping to reduce delays in processing and payment of your invoices.
Check out the eInvoicing website if you want to find out more.
Once you are onboarded as an eInvoice supplier, there's more information on what to do next, on our page: