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Supplying goods and services

This purchasing and procurement information is for current and future supply partners who supply goods and services to the Ministry of Social Development.

How we procure goods and services

Where there is a supply arrangement in place (such as a Ministry contract, or all-of-government contract) that can provide the goods and services we need, we will use those arrangements. For new arrangements, we will approach the market and seek responses to our requirements.

Our procurement decisions are based on these Government Procurement Principles:

  • Plan and manage for great results
  • Be fair to all suppliers
  • Get the right supplier
  • Get the best deal for everyone
  • Play by the rules.

If you have any questions regarding our procurement processes, please contact procurement@msd.govt.nz

How we purchase goods and services

Commercial suppliers

In April 2022 we moved to the Oracle FMIS solution to manage our commercial supply needs, which means:

  • when we request goods and services from you, we’ll be supplying you with a purchase order, as opposed to a cost centre number
  • receiving a Ministry Purchase Order means your services are approved and payments can be made, on receipt of an invoice, within 10 working days of completion or delivery of goods and services
  • you should always ensure you have received a Ministry purchase order to ensure timely payment of invoices.

Purchasing goods and services

There are 6 steps in the MSD purchasing process

  1. MSD raises a requisition
  2. MSD reviews the requisition
  3. MSD approves purchase order
  4. Supplier delivers goods or services
  5. MSD receipts the goods and services
  6. MSD pays for goods and services
Diagram of MSD purchasing lifecycle

See a larger version of the MSD purchasing lifecycle diagram

Why we have made Purchase Orders mandatory

Our systems now mean when you receive a purchase order, the goods and services are approved. Then as soon as we receipt the goods and services, our system will automatically cross-check the Invoice, Purchase Order and Goods/Services Receipt. If they match, we’ll pay you in the next pay cycle.

Please don’t supply goods and services without a Purchase Order. If you’re being asked to provide goods or services and haven’t been sent a Purchase Order, please let us know via NAC_Purchasing_Team@msd.govt.nz and we will work with you to get one.

How you can track and manage your engagements with us

Our supplier portal lets you view existing agreements and track orders through the system, from purchase orders raised through to invoices and payments, as well as updating your company details and managing your catalogue.

When we engage new suppliers we invite them to use the portal. If you are an existing supplier and want to know more about using the portal, please contact NAC_Purchasing_Team@msd.govt.nz

Invoicing queries

If you have any queries about invoices, you can contact us via NAC_accounts_payable@msd.govt.nz

Information for providers of client or community services

We know we have very different types of relationships with our commercial suppliers, depending on how we work with you. This means:

  • if our relationship is commercial only, we manage this via our Oracle system
  • if you supply client or community-related services to MSD only, nothing has changed in the way we will work with you
  • if you supply a mix of both commercial and client or community services you’ll use our Oracle system for commercial services. For client and community services, nothing has changed in the way we will work with you.

For non-commercial engagements such as client or provider services, you can find information about working with us.

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