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The Ministry works across the social sector on strategies and initiatives that are relevant to social development outcomes, including youth, justice, education, care and protection, and employment.
Kaiwhakaoranga Specialist Case Management Service
The Kaiwhakaoranga Specialist Case Management Service (the ‘Kaiwhakaoranga Service’) is led by the Ministry of Social Development to enable members of the community affected by the 15 March 2019 terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques to access support.
Establishing the Welfare Expert Advisory Group
Hon Carmel Sepuloni, the Minister for Social Development, recently announced the establishment of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group, which has been tasked with undertaking a broad-ranging review of the welfare system.
The Privacy, Human Rights and Ethics Framework
We take people’s privacy seriously and our aim is to continually improve our approach to responsibly use and safeguard personal information. The Privacy, Human Rights and Ethics framework (PHRaE) is one of these initiatives.
Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme
New Zealand has amongst the highest reported rates of family violence and sexual violence in the developed world. A cross-government work programme is putting in place a wide range of initiatives to stop violence from occurring, reduce the harm it causes, and break the cycle of re-victimisation and re-offending.
Enabling Good Lives
Enabling Good Lives is a partnership between government agencies and the disability sector aimed at long term transformation of how disabled people and families are supported to live everyday lives.
Taskforce for Action on Violence Within Families
The Taskforce was active from June 2005 to July 2015. It was established to advise the Family Violence Ministerial Team on how to make improvements to the way family violence is addressed, and to eliminate family violence in New Zealand.
The NZ Carers' Strategy Action Plan for 2014 to 2018
The New Zealand Carers’ Strategy Action Plan for 2014 to 2018 was launched in Parliament by the Minister for Senior Citizens, the Hon Jo Goodhew, on 18 February 2014.
Lead programme of work
With disabled people making up nearly a quarter of the working aged population in New Zealand, employers have the opportunity to tap into a pool of people who can make valuable contributions to our workplaces.
The Lead programme of work is designed to support leaders, managers and human resource professionals to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for disabled people.
The Lead Toolkit
A resource that outlines the business case for employing disabled people, a 5-step plan for the leadership team, information for management and human resource teams about the employment cycle, and advice for managers about engaging with disabled employees, including reasonable accommodation.
Collective Impact Board
The Collective Impact Board (the Board) was established in May 2021 and made up of agency and community representatives to provide advice and recommendations to the Kaiwhakaoranga Service and its partners to help inform the wrap-around services and support to the affected community of the 15 March Terrorist Attack. The Board formally ended in November 2023.