Business people taking notes.

Student Loan January – December 2021

For this report, a student is defined as a person who received at least one payment from StudyLink in the calendar year, up to the end of the specified reporting month.

The data in this report are cumulative calendar year-to-date figures. All percentages are computed using randomly rounded numbers, and then rounded to the nearest one decimal point. Total percentages may not add up to exactly 100 percent because of rounding effects. The last three years of data and annual comparisons are presented in summary tables. Earlier figures are included in the downloadable Excel files.

Demographics of Student Loan Borrowers

The following tables provide a summary profile of Student Loan borrowers from January to December, in the last three years. Detailed data series are available in the downloadable Excel files.

Number of borrowers by age group and gender

Age is calculated as at the end of the period.

Age group January to December Annual change 
2019 2020 2021 2019–20 2020–21
17 years and younger 429 411 315 -4.2% -23.4%
18–24 years 96,915 95,277 94,365 -1.7% -1.0%
25–34 years 31,869 33,024 33,126 3.6% 0.3%
35–44 years 12,309 12,852 12,369 4.4% -3.8%
45–54 years 6,291 6,030 5,643 -4.1% -6.4%
55 years and older 1,416 1,308 1,179 -7.6% -9.9%
Total number of Student Loan borrowers 149,229 148,905 146,994 -0.2% -1.3%

Note: A breakdown of “55 and older” is available in the downloadable Excel file.

Gender January to December Annual change 
2019 2020 2021 2019–20 2020–21
Female 92,241 92,868 92,985 0.7% 0.1%
Male 56,970 55,686 53,307 -2.3% -4.3%
Gender Diverse 18 351 705 1850.0% 100.9%
Total number of Student Loan borrowers 149,229 148,905 146,994 -0.2% -1.3%

Note: In December 2019, forms and online applications were updated to include Gender Diverse, which was not available previously. 

Number of borrowers by residential status

Residential status January to December Annual change 
2019 2020 2021 2019–20 2020–21
Citizen by birth  111,540 111,471 109,593 -0.1% -1.7%
Citizen  22,248 22,593 22,827 1.6% 1.0%
Permanent resident 15,015 14,409 14,166 -4.0% -1.7%
Other 429 432 405 0.7% -6.3%
Total number of Student Loan borrowers 149,229 148,905 146,994 -0.2% -1.3%

Note: “Other” includes students who have refugee status, and those classified as protected person/s. Details of “Other” are included in the downloadable Excel file.

Number of responses by ethnic group

It is not mandatory for students to disclose their ethnicity and students may report more than one ethnicity.

The numbers presented in this table are total responses – students who reported more than one ethnic group were counted in each group they identified with. The total number of responses, therefore, does not add up to the total number of Student Loan borrowers.

Ethnic group (Total response) January to December Annual change 
2019 2020 2021 2019–20 2020–21
European 92,565 90,606 93,027 -2.1% 2.7%
Māori 27,558 27,492 26,553 -0.2% -3.4%
Pacific Peoples 15,045 15,024 14,928 -0.1% -0.6%
Asian 23,475 23,331 24,027 -0.6% 3.0%
Middle East/Latin American/African 4,425 4,458 4,527 0.7% 1.5%
Other 768 726 690 -5.5% -5.0%
Total recipients with recorded ethnicity 141,765 139,323 140,622 -1.7% 0.9%
 Not specified 7,467 9,579 6,375 28.3% -33.4%
Total number of Student Loan borrowers 149,229 148,905 146,994 -0.2% -1.3%

Note 1: A detailed breakdown of ethnic groups is included in the downloadable Excel file.

How we report ethnicity

From December 2021, we are changing our reporting to an approach called ‘total response’. Making this change means that we recognise all aspects of someone’s ethnicity. This will reflect our clients more accurately, align our approach with Statistics NZ’s reporting and reflect best practice.

Ethnicity is about people’s identity and sense of belonging. Ethnicity measures cultural affiliation, rather than race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship. Ethnicity is self-perceived and people can identify with more than one ethnic group. Previously, we reported ethnicity using an approach called ‘prioritised ethnicity’. Prioritised ethnicity means that we allocate people to a single ethnic group in an order of priority. The priority used by MSD was Māori, Pacific Peoples, Other and NZ European.