StudyLink Statistics
This section provides the latest statistics on Student Loan, Student Allowance, and other support available for students.
From the March 2022 quarter, we simplified the way StudyLink statistics are presented on the website. However, the information itself remains unchanged.
Student Support Update
A high-level overview of key information and trends on student statistics. The report also includes data on other support available for students.
Student Allowance Update
The Student Allowance Scheme provides financial assistance for full-time students who are enrolled in a recognised course of study or programme, at an approved education provider. It is paid weekly to help students with their living expenses.
The update below provides key statistics and trends for Student Allowance. Timeseries figures are available in the Excel datafile.
Student Loan Update
The Student Loan Scheme assists students to pay for course fees (i.e. compulsory fees charged by education providers), course-related costs (e.g. books, computer, travel), and living costs.
The update below provides key statistics and trends for Student Loans. Timeseries figures are available in the Excel datafile.
Three agencies have particular responsibilities under the scheme:
- StudyLink, a service of the Ministry of Social Development, is responsible for the administration and delivery of Student Loans.
- Inland Revenue takes responsibility for Student Loans once a student has drawn one down, including the assessment and collection of loan repayments.
- The Ministry of Education is responsible for strategic policy in relation to the Student Loan Scheme, including modelling and policy development.