Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report 2023
The Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) 2023 Annual Report is one of the key means by which MSD fulfils its accountability to Parliament and the public, and compliance with the reporting requirements set out in the Public Finance Act 1989. It includes our service performance results and full financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023. This year’s Annual Report also contains the Annual Report of Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People as a departmental agency of MSD. It is included in this document for the purposes of presentation to Parliament and publication.
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Read the HTML version
Below is the HTML version of the main Annual Report narrative. Page number references in the HTML version refer to page numbers in the PDF.
- Takamua a Te Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive’s foreword
- Ngā tatauranga matua o te 2022/23 | Key stats for 2022/23
- Mō mātou | About us
- Tō mātou ahunga rautaki | Our strategic direction
- Ō mātou uara | Our organisational values
- Te tauine i ā mātou mahi | Measuring our performance
- Ā mātau mahi i te 2022/23 | Our work in 2022/23
- Putanga tuatahi: Ka whiwhi ngā tāngata o Aotearoa i te tautoko e tika ana | Outcome one: New Zealanders get the support they require
- Putanga tuarua: He aumangea ngā tāngata o Aotearoa, otirā e noho ana ki ngā hapori kauawhi, tautoko hoki | Outcome two: New Zealanders are resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities
- Putanga tuatoru: Ka uru mārika ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ki ngā mahi porihanga, otirā ka whāia te iti kahurangi | Outcome three: New Zealanders participate positively in society and reach their potential
- Ngā pāpātanga ahuwhānui | Overarching impacts
- Te anga whakamua | Looking ahead
- Tō mātou whakahaere | Our organisation
- Ētahi atu herenga tuku pūrongo | Other reporting requirements
- Treaty settlement commitments
- Māori Crown Relations capability
- Māori language planning – Te reo Māori revitalisation
- Equal employment opportunities
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Health and safety
- Carbon Neutral Government Programme reporting
- Asset performance
- Delegation of functions or powers under the Public Service Act 2020
- Child protection policy
- MSD-contracted services for victims
- Oranga Tamariki Action Plan
- Approved Information Sharing Agreements (AISAs)
- Budget significant initiatives
Non-Departmental Appropriations Report
The Vote Social Development Non-Departmental Appropriations Report 2022/23 (NDAR) outlines what was intended to be achieved by each of the appropriations, and results delivered by third-party service providers funded by MSD that are not reported directly to Parliament through other reporting mechanisms.