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Embedding good practices for health, safety and security

In the past year we have increased our focus on the wellbeing of our people, particularly around their mental health. We have:

  • introduced new ways for our people to access counselling and psychosocial support services as well as a wider range of information on self-care and personal wellbeing through our Wellbeing Portal
  • opened up our communication channels for feedback around wellbeing issues at any time through a dedicated monitored email, and the Sensitive Events module in our new health and safety reporting system
  • continued to grow and develop new strategies to increase our worker participation through an updated Worker Participation Agreement, as well as developing an Excellence Award for our Health and Safety Representatives.

We developed and trialled different access management options in client-facing site offices using technology and guard configurations. In conjunction with improved physical layout changes and changes to our front-of-house areas, we are constantly evolving our security ecosystem to enhance safety, security and privacy.

Health, safety and security governance

We have established a regular cycle of comprehensive reporting on health, safety and security risks to our Leadership Team, who are all Officers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Several governance committees across the organisation ensure that we are making a cohesive response to emerging trends and learning from health, safety and security events. We have a steadily maturing and evolving safety management system in place, which includes a set of core frameworks.

Following the Christchurch mosque attacks in March 2019 we reviewed our security levels and threat assessment process. This review resulted in the development of a robust risk assessment model we can use in the future. We have also reviewed our annual assessment process for identifying site-by-site security vulnerabilities across the country.

We have developed a worker engagement strategy that includes an annual award to recognise health and safety representatives’ contributions.

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