Te Hiku Social Development and Wellbeing Accord
Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi – Crown Social Development and Wellbeing Accord (the Accord) provides the framework for Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi (Te Hiku Iwi) and the Crown to work together towards the shared vision that the communities, whānau, hapū and iwi of Te Hiku Iwi are culturally, socially and economically prosperous.
The Accord was signed in 2013 with Te Aupōuri, Ngāi Takoto and Te Rarawa – followed by Ngāti Kuri – as part of the Te Hiku Iwi Treaty settlement process. There is also provision for Ngāti Kahu to join the Accord should they wish to as part of their settlement negotiations.
The government agencies signed up to the Accord are the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Tertiary Education Commission, Ministry of Justice, NZ Police, Department of Corrections, Department of Internal Affairs, Statistics New Zealand, Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Social Development.
After a positive start the governance activity set out in the Accord was not maintained and momentum waned.
Taumata Rangatira Hui - June 2018
A hui was held at Parliament on 21 June 2018 with the new Government to reset the Accord, re-establish relationships, and discuss co-design opportunities between Te Hiku Iwi and the Crown.
The Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta and other government Ministers, met with senior leadership from Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi.
Minister Sepuloni and Minister Mahuta issued a joint media release following the hui.

Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta and Chairman of Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Haami Piripi.
Taumata Rangatira Hui - October 2018
A second hui, which brought together Te Hiku and Ministers of the Crown whose portfolios align with the Accord, was held at Parliament on 18 October.
The hui discussed the progress that has been made to develop a governance structure and work programme that is aligned with Te Hiku priorities.
Te Hiku’s priorities are:
- Mana Tangata – people’s safety and wellbeing
- Maximising Te Hiku potential – economic development
- Lifelong learning – education and skills development

Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni and Chairman, Te Rūnanga Nui o te Aupōuri Rick Witana.
Intentions to join the Accord
At the hui, the Minister for Children Tracey Martin, and the Associate Minister for Health Jenny Salesa, signed letters of intention for the Ministry for Children – Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry of Health to join the Accord through new portfolio agreements.

Minister for Children Tracey Martin signs a letter of intention for the Ministry for Children – Oranga Tamariki to join the Accord. From left: Wallace Rivers (Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Takoto), Rick Witana (Chairman, Te Rūnanga nui o Te Aupōuri), (Tracey Martin), Jenny Salesa, Haami Piripi (Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa) and Carmel Sepuloni.

Associate Minister for Health Jenny Salesa signs a letter of intention for the Ministry of Health to join the Accord. From left: Rick Witana (Chairman, Te Rūnanga nui o Te Aupōuri), Wallace Rivers (Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Takoto), Tracey Martin, Haami Piripi (Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa), (Jenny Salesa) and Carmel Sepuloni.
This work programme is supported by the Partnership and Programme’s Iwi/ Māori Team (Post Treaty Settlements Team)