Family Services Directory
The Family Services Directory is a searchable online database. It lists information about family support organisations and the services/programmes they offer to support New Zealand families (we call the organisations in the Family Services Directory ‘providers’). The purpose of the Directory is to connect people with providers who can help them to cope with common issues and problems.
Family Violence Intervention
The Work and Income Family Violence Intervention Programme is a training package for Work and Income Case Managers. They are trained to identify and respond appropriately to clients who are living in or leaving violent family situations.
By providing a skilled response, closely linked with local family violence service providers, Work and Income can make a significant contribution to reducing family violence and promoting the safety and wellbeing of clients and their families.
Family Violence Response Coordinators provide support and guidance to case managers and maintain relationships with family violence service providers in their area.
Family breakdown assessments
The Ministry funds independent assessments used to determine whether a family breakdown has occurred. The assessments are used to assist the Ministry to determine eligibility for Unsupported Child Benefit and Youth Payment.