Industry partnerships
Contracts with providers and employers to create opportunities for pre-employment training and employment placements.
Student Job Search
The Ministry provides funding for Student Job Search to support tertiary students into employment.
$5K to Work
The $5k to Work initiative is an incentive payment that supports clients who are relocating to take up work in a region or area that is not commutable. Once the payment is approved, the person must go off benefit.
Enhanced Taskforce Green
Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG) is a regional response to a significant adverse event – either weather related or as a result of a natural disaster. The Minister for Social Development is authorised to approve up to $500,000 plus GST of ETFG funding to assist in clean-up activities where required.
At a regional level agencies (including MPI, the Rural Support Trust and Regional Councils) first agree whether ETFG is needed and the size and scale of the clean-up operations.
ETFG workers are employed from benefits and are paid the minimum wage or higher for the period of the clean-up following an event. This gives workers work experience and the opportunity to help and support their local community.
Dress for Success
MSD partners with Dress for Success to support women seeking employment. Clients of Work and Income may qualify for a Transition to Work grant for a dressing which includes:
- appropriate clothing
- accessories
- advice on presentation, hair and makeup
- interview tips and other helpful suggestions for interviews/workplace.
- On gaining employment, Dress for Success provides the client with a second dressing and another complete outfit and they are gifted a piece of jewellery.
Women also have access to the Dress for Success Career Centre, an initiative that promotes confidence and professionalism by providing women career guidance, technology skills and assistance in their job searches.
Gender pay equity
The current pay equity settlements are for disability care and support workers and mental health and addiction support workers. The Ministry, through implementation of these agreements, aims to achieve a better paid, more stable and highly trained workforce, resulting in higher quality and more consistent care for clients.
The Ministry funds employers for the pay increases through their contracts and will also help fund and require employers to provide training.