Framework to accelerate progress towards accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand
27 July 2020.
This Cabinet paper notes the Minister for Disability Issues’ intended policy approach to accelerate accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand – a new legislative framework to act as a vehicle for progressive implementation of accessibility over time.
The proposed legislative framework will focus on the prevention and removal of barriers to ensure disabled people can participate and access the same opportunities on an equal basis with others. It will provide mechanisms for a policy work programme, including standards development within domains of accessibility; education and awareness raising; and reporting, monitoring and compliance functions. The paper sought and received Cabinet’s agreement to officials progressing further work on the detailed aspects of the legislative framework.
The introduction, summary and recommendations have been produced in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), Easy Read, large print, audio and braille. Full versions are also available in audio, large print and braille.
PDF versions
Audio version
To request a braille copy, email info@msd.govt.nz