Te ine i tō mātou ahunga - Measuring our progress
E whakaatu ana tā mātou pou tarāwaho huanga i te āhua o tā mātou ine ahunga puta noa i ā mātou huanga me ngā nekehanga
Our outcomes framework shows how we measure progress across our outcomes and shifts
Our raranga (or weave) emphasises that changes to how we are delivering our services (through our shifts) will have an impact on what we want to achieve (our outcomes).
Our impact statements collectively represent how we will assess progress on delivering to our outcomes and our strategic shifts.
A suite of key performance indicators (KPIs) accompanies our impact statements and is available on our website. We expect these KPIs to evolve over time as part of our regular review process. The results of our KPIs will be provided in our annual reports and published on our website.
We also report on performance measures set out in Vote Social Development Estimates of Appropriations in periodic reports to Ministers, the Government, Parliament and the public.
Image description
The image is a table with MSD’s three strategic shifts down the left and MSD’s three outcomes along the top.
The first, top row title, on the left, reads Mana manaaki, A positive experience every time.
The second, middle row title reads Kotahitanga, Partnering for greater impact.
The third, bottom row title reads Kia takatū tātou, Supporting long-term social and economic development.
The first, left column title, along the top, reads New Zealanders get the support they require.
The second middle column title reads New Zealanders are resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities.
The third, right column title reads New Zealanders participate positively in society and reach their full potential.
In the table, aligning to a shift and an outcome are ten impact statements, each with an upward arrow next to them showing the positive trend desired.
In the top-left cell (row one, column one) is the impact statement Improve awareness of and access to support. In the middle-top cell (row one, column two) is the impact statement Improve how we connect and partner.
In the top-right cell (row one, column three) is the impact statement Improve effectiveness of support.
In the middle-left cell (row two, column one) is the impact statement Improve support to people, whānau and families in hardship or insecure housing.
In the middle-middle cell (row two, column two) is the impact statement Improve the safety and strength of people, whānau, families and communities.
In the middle-right cell (row two, column three) is the impact statement Improve sustainable employment outcomes.
In the final row there are two outcomes in a box covering all three columns/outcomes. These two are Improve equity of outcomes, particularly for Māori, and Improve people’s trust and confidence in the welfare system. There are no additional impact statements in the bottom-left (row three, column one) or bottom-middle (row three, column two) cells.
In the bottom-right cell (row three, column three) there are two additional impact statements. These are Improve our contribution to business and regional development, and Improve people’s readiness for work, including through training and education. End of long description.
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