Kia Ora ngā Iwi o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa – Ā mātou Tāngata, Ā mātou Otinga,Tō mātou Anamata

Ko Kia Ora ngā Iwi o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa tā mātou rautaki, mahere mahi hoki e tutuki ai ngā huanga mana taurite mō ngā iwi o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa
Pacific Prosperity – our Pacific strategy and action plan – was launched in October 2019 and aligns with Te Pae Tawhiti and complements Te Pae Tata. It embraces the shifts described in Te Pae Tawhiti and articulates how they will be realised for Pacific peoples [1], families and communities by placing them at the heart of our service development, thinking and decision-making. It embodies their strong aspirations to actively design and lead their own innovative solutions.
Pacific Prosperity is a mandate for MSD to respond to the changing context of Pacific peoples in Aotearoa. It is a key driver to inform policy and deliver stronger co-ordinated action with and for Pacific peoples across government, stakeholders and the wider social sector service providers. It sets out our direction for changing the way we deliver services for, and work with, our Pacific peoples, families and communities, so they are safe, thrive and flourish in Aotearoa.
- We consider the term Pacific peoples to be inclusive of all Pacific ethnicities, genders, age groups, disabled peoples, and Rainbow+ communities.
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