Minister's foreword
The Statement of Intent 2014-2018 sets out the major focus and direction for the Ministry of Social Development over the next four years.
As Minister for Social Development, I am driving far-reaching change to make a bigger difference to the lives of people, families and communities. Our most vulnerable children are at the heart of all those changes. By taking action and investing in those who need it most, we can change the lives of children and families now and in the future.
With a reformed and modernised welfare system, we’re breaking the cycle of long-term welfare dependency. We’re targeting early and intensive support to those most at risk of needing welfare for a long time. Along with that support, we expect people to do what it takes to get into work and to act in the best interests of their children. As a result, nearly 15,000 fewer people are on benefits than the same time last year – and thousands more children are growing up in financially independent homes, with a better chance of gaining the education, health and life opportunities every New Zealand child is entitled to.
Vulnerable children are everyone’s concern. When it comes to New Zealand’s high rates of child abuse and neglect, no single person, professional, NGO, iwi or government agency can effectively tackle it alone. The Government has tasked the Social Sector Forum with ensuring joined-up thinking and service delivery. The Government’s Vulnerable Children Act will make all government agencies and their Chief Executives jointly accountable for taking action and getting results for vulnerable children. The Children’s Action Plan sets out the framework for co-ordinated action at every level.
Children’s Teams are working with communities to make a real difference for vulnerable children in Rotorua and Whangarei. These teams, which will be expanded over the next year to a further eight sites, are formed of frontline professionals from core agencies like health and education, as well as NGOs and iwi. They work with children who are vulnerable, but have not yet reached the point of statutory intervention.
The Ministry has taken on new housing functions as part of the Government’s Social Housing Reform Programme, which is fundamentally transforming the social housing sector in New Zealand. The transfer will allow the Ministry to have a more comprehensive view of a person’s social service needs and make it easier and more efficient for people to access the social services they need. It also aligns with the Government’s intent to make sure that social housing is available for those who need it most for as long as they need it.
This Government expects the Ministry to invest in co-ordinated and tailored community social services that are proven to work for children and families. The Investing in Services for Outcomes programme is changing the way the Ministry contracts and supports community organisations to get the best results for communities.
Christchurch is one of the Government’s four main priorities. In the past three years, the Ministry has led or contributed to innovative, interagency projects across the social sector in Canterbury. We’ve seen a 26 per cent reduction in benefits, while responding to five major earthquakes, two floods and two snowstorms. Over the next four years, we’ll continue to work to rebuild and revitalise Christchurch, supporting community needs for social services and housing, as well as the labour market.
This Statement of Intent reflects the wide-ranging reform and strong platforms the Ministry has put in place to deliver new ways of investing and working to help children, young people, families and communities who need it most.

Hon Paula Bennett
Minister for Social Development