Supporting rangatahi to thrive in New Zealand
There is strong evidence that positive youth development supports young people to participate confidently in their communities by building their capability and resilience. Through the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi – we support young people aged 12 to 24 years to acquire the skills and confidence they need to participate in and contribute to the social and economic growth of New Zealand.
In 2018/19, we contributed funding to 159 provider organisations to deliver over 191 different youth development and youth enterprise programmes or services to over 100,000 rangatahi (young people).
This money funded organisations that embed a youth development approach to supporting the wellbeing of young people in New Zealand so that they can succeed in, contribute to, and enjoy life.
Over 10,000 rangatahi completed participant feedback surveys to tell us what they thought about the programmes or services they took part in. This feedback was overwhelmingly positive.