Over 277,000 people received benefit support
The following charts show the numbers of benefits in the three largest categories at 30 June 2018, broken down by the ethnicity of recipients.

Text description
Job seeker support: 122,513
- Pacific peoples: 9,367
- Other:17,854
- NZ European: 45,197
- Unspecified: 3,949
- Māori: 46,146

Text description
Sole parent support: 58,558
- Pacific peoples: 6,261
- Other: 5,937
- NZ European: 17,141
- Unspecified: 1,272
- Māori: 27,947

Text description
Support Living Payment: 92,642
- Pacific peoples: 6,100
- Other: 13,919
- NZ European: 45,769
- Unspecified: 3,177
- Māori: 23,677