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Employment and Work Readiness Assistance (Incentive Payments) Amendment 2025

28 February 2025.

This instrument, which comes into force on 31 March 2025, amends the Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Programme established and approved on 6 March 2014 (the principal programme).

The instrument amending the Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Programme is made under section 101(1) of the Social Security Act 2018 and makes the following changes:

  • revokes the clauses in 6A(a) of the Schedule that relate to assisting applicants to relocate for employment; and
  • reduces the amount available for incentive payments in a 52-week period in clause 6A(a) of the schedule from $5,000 to $3,000; and
  • inserts transitional arrangements for applications made for incentive payment applications under clauses 6A(a)(iii) and 6A(a)(iv) of the Schedule before 31 March 2025; and
  • makes minor and technical changes to the Schedule.
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