The work of the Taskforce 2006/2007
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December 2007
Discussion with the Family Violence Ministerial Team
The Family Violence Ministerial Team attended this meeting. The positive impact of the Campaign for Action on Family Violence was discussed, as was the importance of communicating the work of the Taskforce.
Campaign for Action on Family Violence
An update on the Campaign was provided and an initial cut of the next set of advertisements were viewed. These advertisements are due to go to air in mid February 2008 as part of the second phase of the Campaign.
Ongoing Programme of Action
The Taskforce’s Ongoing Programme of Action has been agreed and is currently being printed. The Ongoing Programme of Action is due to be released in mid February 2008.
October 2007
Protection Orders research
The Taskforce is due to respond to the Minister for Social Development and Employment on the Ministry of Women’s Affairs research on Protection Orders by early December.
Child sexual abuse
The Taskforce agreed that action on child sexual abuse should be expanded in the Taskforce’s Ongoing Programme of Action to encompass all types of child abuse.
October 2007 Monitoring Report
This document is a summary interim report on the implementation of ongoing actions from the Taskforce’s First Programme of Action, provides an update on the Ongoing Programme of Action, and outlines the proposed framework for ongoing reporting.
August 2007
Māori Reference Group and Pacific Advisory Group
At the 1 August 2007 meeting the Taskforce agreed to invite the Māori Reference Group and Pacific Advisory Group to each nominate a representative to the Taskforce.
Family Violence Interagency Response System
The Taskforce received a briefing on the Family Violence Interagency Response System that enables Child, Youth and Family, Police, and Women's Refuge to make collaborative decisions about family violence cases. They acknowledged the success to date and noted the potential for going forward with this type of integrative systematic approach.
Family Violence Death Review process
The Taskforce agreed to the establishment of the Family Violence Death Review process that will be implemented by the Ministry of Health.
August 2007 Monitoring Report
This paper is the final monitoring report for 2006/2007 on implementing the Taskforce’s first Programme of Action. It is arranged according to the four broad themes of the Taskforce report, tabulates in a traffic light format the status of each action and provides a summary of key actions.
June 2007
The Campaign for Action on Family Violence
The Taskforce acknowledged that the campaign has many facets including community mobilisation, media commentary and advocacy, and the mass media campaign.
Second Programme of Action
Development of the Second Programme of Action is almost complete with a final iteration to be distributed to the Taskforce for approval by the end of June.
June 2007 Highlights Report
This report details the key pieces of work undertaken by Taskforce agencies since the June 2007 meeting.
April 2007
Maori Reference Group and Pacific Advisory Group
The Maori Reference Group and the Pacific Advisory Group met with the Taskforce to outline their priorities for the Ongoing Programme of Action, and the Ministry of Education advised the Taskforce on how it could contribute to the ongoing work of the Taskforce.
The Taskforce was impressed with the contribution made by the Maori Reference and Pacific Advisory Groups and agreed it would continue to work with both groups in developing the Ongoing Programme of Action.
The Taskforce also agreed to engage fully with both the Ministries of Health and Education in developing the Ongoing Programme of Action.
April 2007 Highlights Report
This report details the key pieces of work undertaken by Taskforce agencies since the March 2007 meeting.
April 2007 Traffic Light Report
This report provides tracks progress against the Taskforce's First Programme Of Action.
March 2007
Taskforce Workshop on the Ongoing Programme of Action
The Taskforce met in March to workshop the proposed approach and content of the Ongoing Programme of Action. The Taskforce agreed that the Ongoing Programme of Action should build on the first Programme of Action, clearly outlining the aims to be achieved and taking account of the lessons learnt implementing the first report. The framework must emphasise prevention and leadership (building capacity of people to stop violence themselves).
The Ongoing Programme of Action is due to be developed by July 2007.
February 2007
Māori Reference and Pacific Advisory Groups
The Taskforce agreed to work closely with the Māori Reference Group and Pacific Advisory Group on the Ongoing Programme of Action and commended both groups for their constructive input into Taskforce work.
Attitudes and Behaviour Change Campaign
The Taskforce acknowledged that the campaign has a number of facets, multiple audiences, and will build on and complement current actions. Key facets include the Community Action Fund, Community Action Toolkit; and media campaign. The creative concept for the media campaign is being developed and will be launched later this year.
The Taskforce reiterated that the campaign will run over several years and a change in attitudes will take time.
The Taskforce also acknowledged the need to engage effectively at local levels to ensure quick responses to changes in demand for services.
Work related to Protection Orders
The Taskforce was advised that Legal Aid thresholds would rise on 1 March 2007.
The Ministry of Justice indicated that it expects to release a public consultation document on the Review of the Domestic Violence Act in April.