National benefit fact sheets 2013
These fact sheets provide a time series of national statistics showing the number of people receiving main benefits. They are updated on a quarterly basis. The June fact sheets will be the final quarter release using the existing benefit categories, and continue the same series that has been published over the last 10 years.
Headline Benefit Numbers
This report shows trends in the total number of working aged recipients (aged 18 - 64 years) of main benefits. The report also includes headline benefit numbers, which are the same numbers excluding students receiving an Unemployment Benefit because of hardship during a break in their studies.
All main benefits
Domestic Purposes Benefit
Invalids Benefit
Sickness Benefit
Unemployment Benefit
Ten year trends in benefit numbers
This fact sheet shows trends in numbers of working aged people receiving main benefits over the last ten years. This report was first produced in December 2008.