New Zealand Living Standards 2008
The 2008 New Zealand Living Standards Survey was a nation-wide face-to-face survey of 5000 households carried out by Colmar Brunton for the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) from June to October 2008.
The high level objectives for the 2008 LSS and associated analysis are to:
- gather the necessary information to enable the further development of the ELSI instrument (and other full-scale measures)
- the construction of a suite of deprivation indices reflecting different dimensions of deprivation
- international comparisons using non-monetary indicators
- update the information on the living standards of the population and subgroups within it to 2008, comparing the findings with those from 2000 and 2004, using an improved ELSI and other instruments
- contribute to the Working for Families evaluation
- improve and expand the technology available for tracking and better understanding trends in poverty and material hardship.
This first report after the 2008 LSS is being published now to disseminate selected key findings as early as possible. It is being published as a Working Paper in recognition of the limited review that the report has undergone, and of the fact that there is still some distance to go for the analysis to cover the survey's full set of objectives.
We expect to publish a full report in 2015.