Appendices - Cabinet paper - Disability System Transformation Update
On this Page:
Appendix One: current services contracted by Disability Support Services
Service Description |
Funded Services |
Advisory Services
Children’s Services
Community Services
Individualised funding
Intellectual Disability Services
Specialist Services |
Residential/facility-based services
Artificial aides and Other (Health related services) – to transfer to Health New Zealand |
Appendix Two: statements from the Establishment Unit Community Steering Group and National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group
Establishment Unit Community Steering Group:
The Community Steering Group (CSG), with its diverse mandated representation, enables a wide range of perspectives to contribute to informing and shaping the work being done by the Establishment Unit (EU) team. CSG has actively been involved in the majority of the work of the Establishment Unit, particularly the aspects of culture, governance, and partnership within the new Ministry. Despite the significant pragmatic and time constraints the programme faces, we consider the EU Director and team’s willingness to work in a collaborative, partnership way is creating a solid foundation for the new Ministry. CSG gave significant input to Te Kawa Mataaho regarding the recruitment of the Chief Executive. Our advice is unambiguous that the role must be filled by a disabled person to give the community confidence in the entity, and for the role to effectively champion the transformation sought. We further strongly advise that disabled person leadership is essential in the recruitment and interview procedure to give credibility to the process. CSG has been leading transformative thinking with respect to the functions of the new Ministry. CSG agree that an integrated approach is essential and strongly endorse adding the functions of ODI and administration of accessibility legislation.
CSG, and the EU, have no direct input nor oversight of the Ministry of Health integration of EGL and system transformation work programme. We consider that disconnect a considerable risk and note that early knowledge transfer occur from that programme is essential to our work programme. We further note that realising a genuine tripartite partnership relationship between the Crown, disabled communities and tāngata whaikaha Māori is an essential yet unrealised component of that work, and prerequisite of the future model. CSG note with urgency the need for investment in development of capacity and capability of tāngata whaikaha and disabled people, their families, whānau and aiga to engage with CSG in this process and to develop broad-based community consensus for this significant programme of change.
National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group:
The National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group (NEGL) agrees with most of the contents of this Cabinet Paper. However, we think urgency is required for the implementation of capacity and capability building and regional leadership development for disabled people and whanau. This needs to begin immediately so that they can be authentic and credible tripartite partners to realise the intent of Mana, Self-determination and Voice and create a pool of people to lead the implementation of EGL at a local, regional and national level.
In our opinion, there have been some unnecessary bureaucratic barriers which have delayed the resourcing of capacity and capability building within communities and NEGL would like to see this resolved as soon as possible.
NEGL is concerned that time is running out for all of the components of the new Ministry to be fully functional by July 1st.