Coversheet: Support for temporary visa holders in hardship from 1 September 2021
Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and Employment
These documents have been proactively released.
4 August 2021, Cabinet paper – Support for temporary visa holders in hardship from 1 September 2021, including Appendix One – Table of grant of Emergency Benefits to temporary visa holders
4 August 2021, Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Minute of Decision SWC-21-MIN- 0115
9 August 2021, Cabinet Minute of Decision CAB-21-MIN-0296, Cabinet Office.
This paper notes the Emergency Benefit for temporary visa holders in hardship will end on 31 August 2021 and seeks agreement to extend the Immigration New Zealand repatriation fund for 6 months.
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- Section 6(a) – to avoid prejudice to the security, defence, or international relations of New Zealand
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- Section 9(2)(h) – this information is legally privileged.
- Out of scope.
Please note – The Cabinet paper had a typographical error in paragraph 41: MSD and MFAT have worked together since 1 December 2020 not 1 December 2021. This does not have a substantive change on the information provided.
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