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We have a leadership role in promoting positive ageing of Older New Zealanders – that they are independent, respected, valued and recognised as an integral part of their families and communities. We deliver services to almost every senior citizen in New Zealand.
The next three years
a key demographic…
The first of the baby-boom generation born between 1946 and 1964 have reached 65. We recognise the potential future economic contribution of older people through work, as consumers and as a large section of our client base.
business of ageing…
Many New Zealanders are choosing to work past the qualifying age of New Zealand Super.
The Business of Ageing work helps us to understand the challenges and opportunities of an ageing workforce as well as improving labour market productivity. We will update the fiscal impact projections to inform older workers and employers.
We will continue to use these projections in our work across government and non-government organisations to develop policy and services to meet the needs of older New Zealanders.
expanding SuperGold Card…
The SuperGold Card helps older New Zealanders participate in their communities by providing government concessions such as free off-peak public transport and discounts from a wide range of business categories including those in the health sector. The number of businesses involved has grown rapidly and we have aggressive targets to expand the number and range.
Further enhancements to the website now allow users to search for discounts more easily and create a personal discount directory.
inclusion not isolation…
Communities are often best placed to tackle social isolation once awareness is raised.
We are supporting Napier Connects – a community-led project to test some practical actions to encourage people to volunteer in their communities and reduce social isolation for older people.
caring in the community…
The New Zealand Carers’ Strategy is still a cornerstone for our work to support informal carers. We are working with the Carers’ Alliance and Carers’
New Zealand as the new Strategy Action Plan for 2013-2018 is developed and implemented.
respect and dignity…
New Zealand has an unacceptable level of elder abuse and neglect cases. The Ministry supports community responses to elder abuse through Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention services.
Through the It’s Not Ok campaign and other awareness raising activities, we will continue to help people recognise elder abuse and know how to deal with it. Awareness is key to providing people with the confidence to act.
Alongside Age Concern NZ, Police, Ministry of Health and the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income we will implement a joint Action Plan on elder abuse and neglect prevention in 2013.
We are also co-ordinating a network of community volunteers and linking them to Neighbourhood Policing Teams to assist Police to recognise and respond to elder abuse in the community.
financial protection…
Amendments to enduring powers of attorney have provided better protection for the welfare and rights of vulnerable people. Consultation has begun to assess the effectiveness of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Amendment Act 2007. Advice will be provided to the Minister for Senior Citizens about any further changes in 2013/2014 year.