Te Pae Tawhiti - Our Future

Our role in social development forms the basis of our purpose, to help New Zealanders (people, whānau, families and communities) to be safe, strong and independent – Manaaki tangata, Manaaki whānau. We launched a new strategic direction, Te Pae Tawhiti – Our Future, in our 2018–2022 Statement of Intent in August 2018.
Te Pae Tawhiti signals our intention to do better for our clients, and identified three shifts we need to make as an organisation to achieve our outcomes. In describing these, we drew on concepts from Te Ao Māori and we are using this perspective to help shape our thinking.

Mana manaaki – A positive experience every time
We will look after the dignity of people with warmth, listening, respect, compassion, openness and fairness, and helping people, whānau, families and communities.

Kotahitanga – Partnering for greater impact
We are stronger when we work together with whānau, families, hapū, iwi, providers, communities and other government agencies. By allowing others to take the lead in some services, our clients can connect directly with trusted partners who are better placed to meet their needs.

Kia takatū tātou – Supporting long-term social and economic development.
We will prepare ourselves for the future and take a long-term strategic approach to community, regional and economic development. To improve employment outcomes people will need our support to acquire skills for current and future job markets. We will broaden our role in community development and social services to support people who are volunteering, training or caring for whānau and families.