Our Ministers
In 2018/19 we provided policy and other advice to Ministers and Associate Ministers who have responsibility for portfolios related to social development or public housing. The following Ministers held these portfolios at 30 June 2019 [3] :

Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Minister for Social Development Minister for Disability Issues

Hon Tracey Martin
Minister for Seniors

Hon Willie Jackson
Minister of Employment

Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Associate Minister of Housing

Hon Dr Megan Woods
Minister of Housing

Hon Peeni Henare
Minister for Youth

Hon Poto Williams
Associate Minister for Social Development

Hon Kris Faafoi
Associate Minister of Housing
[3] Until 27 June 2019, when a Cabinet reshuffle took effect, Hon Phil Twyford was Minister for Housing and Urban Development, while Hon Peeni Henare and Hon Jenny Salesa were Associate Ministers for Social Development.