Trialling employment initiatives
We have been partnering with the Department of Corrections since 2016 in running the cross-agency Supporting Offenders into Employment trial, which:
- aims to improve employment and social outcomes for, and reduce the risk of reoffending by, recently released prisoners by providing them with tailored wrap-around support
- focuses on achieving successful reintegration by ensuring offenders are better prepared for work
- builds incentives for offenders and employers to improve employment outcomes.
The trial comprises two services: an intensive MSD case management service and an external contracted provider service. Our service is delivered by 15 intensive client support managers across 11 regional sites. This service works with up to 600 clients at any one time.
In December 2018, People at Risk Solutions (PARS) started an external contracted service in Auckland that will support up to 100 clients at any one time. PARS is providing a multidisciplinary wrap-around service in the areas of mental health, drug and alcohol, education, training and housing.

- Since 2016, a total of 1,258 released prisoners have been referred to the trial and 314 have achieved employment outcomes.
- In the last 12 months there have been: 580 referrals with 159 employment outcomes
The Creating Positive Pathways trial will run for four years to support a reduction in reoffending and an improvement in positive long-term outcomes for people who have served a long prison sentence or who have frequent interactions with the Department of Corrections.
The trial will provide 250 additional public housing places to support access to stable accommodation – with approximately 125 in Auckland and the balance split between Northland and Wellington. Wrap-around services will also be provided to help people achieve their individual goals and aspirations. The trial went live in Auckland in August 2018, in Wellington in March 2019, and in Northland in July 2019.