Annual Report cover 2013

More efficient and effective allocation of government resources to meet community needs

We will drive positive results for vulnerable families, children and young people by targeting funding to community initiatives that respond most effectively to Government priorities.

Investing in Services for Outcomes

Investing in Services for Outcomes (ISO) is a way to support our initiatives to improve outcomes for children, families, whānau and communities alongside our providers. ISO will create:

  • more clarity about our funding decisions
  • more stability through longer-term contracts
  • flexible funding approaches
  • support for the social sector to work together better and more often.

All of this will support our providers to focus more on their core purpose of supporting people and communities, and less on managing and administering contracts. 

In 2012/2013, we worked to:

  • embed a streamlined and consistent contracting approach
  • support Ministry-funded organisations to become stronger, more sustainable and work collectively for more impact
  • develop a cross-Ministry investment framework to guide funding decisions, and to improve people’s access to services that make a lasting difference. 

This year, we developed a single cross-Ministry contract and a single streamlined monitoring and reporting framework for providers receiving more than $1 million a year. These providers account for half of our social service funding. We also appointed a lead relationship manager for each organisation and developed agreed plans for working together in the future. 

In 2012/2013, we implemented an Approvals Framework for all providers and an Organisational Capability Framework. 

We are now developing a Strategic Investment Framework to guide funding decisions across service lines. This will help us to invest in the programmes and services that make the biggest demonstrable difference. The Strategic Investment Framework will be completed by December 2013.

We are moving towards a more streamlined approach to contracting.

We distributed $8.6 million to help organisations to assess their capability and to develop action plans.

Housing Needs Assessment

In April 2013, Cabinet agreed the assessment of eligibility for social housing will transfer from the Housing New Zealand Corporation to the Ministry of Social Development from 14 April 2014. This will create an independent view of people’s housing requirements. It will also enable the Ministry to gain a more comprehensive view of people’s social support needs. 

This transfer, together with the extension of the Income Related Rents Subsidy to social housing providers other than the Housing New Zealand Corporation, is part of a suite of changes. The reforms aim to improve the diversity and effectiveness of social housing so healthy, suitable, affordable housing is available for those most in need. 

We are working closely with the Housing New Zealand Corporation on a transfer plan and service delivery model. Service design options were presented to the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Housing and the Minister for Social Development in August 2013.

The social housing reforms will help to ensure healthy, suitable and affordable housing for those most in need.

E Tu Whānau

On 20 May 2013, the Hon Tariana Turia, Associate Minister for Social Development, launched the E Tu Whānau – Programme of Action for Addressing Family Violence 2013–2018. Our Māori Reference Group developed E Tu Whānau, building on the Programme of Action 2008–2013. 

We also launched tools to support ownership and action within Te Ao Māori. This has been well received by iwi leaders.

E Tu Whānau is a framework within which Te Ao Māori and the Government can continue to work together to address issues of violence for whānau.

Pasefika Proud campaign

The Pasefika Proud campaign is a strengths-based approach promoting wellbeing by preventing violence in Pacific families and communities. The campaign addresses family violence under the Pasefika Proud Programme of Action. This work is led by the Pacific Advisory Group (PAG) and the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families. 

The campaign promotes the key message: Pasefika Proud – Our Families, Our People, Our Responsibility. It encourages Pacific communities to take ownership of the issue of violence. 

In 2012/2013, Pasefika Proud was the naming sponsor for the Pacific Music Awards 2013. The event promoted key messages to Pacific audiences at the venue and on television. Alongside Niu FM, Pasefika Proud was a strong presence at the secondary schools PolyFest competition in Auckland, reaching up to 90,000 students.

Response to family violence

It’s Not OK!

It’s Not OK! is a community-driven campaign to reduce family violence in New Zealand. Its goal is to change attitudes and behaviours that tolerate any kind of family violence. 

In 2012/2013, the campaign continued to work in partnership with sports clubs, employers, councils, iwi and social service organisations all over New Zealand to support community action against family violence. Nearly all the partners surveyed agreed the campaign created an environment that made community action easier. In 2011, at least one in three people reported taking action as a result of the campaign. These figures were higher for Māori (50 per cent) and Pacific peoples (45 per cent). 

At the IPANZ Gen-i Public Sector Excellence Awards on 3 July 2013, our campaign It’s OK to Help won the Public Sector Communications category and took the Prime Minister’s Award. This is the second time the campaign has received the supreme award, an unprecedented achievement. Judges praised the campaign for outstanding innovation and vision, and for the results it has achieved for one of New Zealand’s most complex social problems.

The campaign It’s OK to Help won the Prime Minister’s Award for the second time at the 2013 IPANZ’s Gen-i Public Sector Excellence Awards.

Think Differently

The Think Differently campaign is a key initiative of the Government’s Disability Action Plan. The campaign contributes to national initiatives, and funds small community projects that promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people. It aims to increase opportunities for, and the participation of, disabled people in all aspects of community life. 

The Making a Difference Fund supported 23 community-driven projects to promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people. 

Social change takes time to achieve. An increase in funding for 2013–2015 extends the campaign with an increased focus on Māori, Pacific and migrant communities.


Elder abuse

Working in partnership with Age Concern New Zealand, the New Zealand Police, the Ministry of Health, and the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income, we have developed an action plan to widen the community’s understanding of elder abuse and neglect.

To raise awareness and educate people about elder abuse and neglect issues, we worked alongside Age Concern New Zealand to develop a media plan. The plan seeks opportunities for the Minister for Senior Citizens to raise the issues, such as appearing on TV ONE’s Breakfast show. 

We worked with the media, providing information and organising activities in the lead up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June 2013.

We support community responses to elder abuse through Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention services.

New Zealand Carers’ Strategy Action Plan

In March 2013, the Cabinet directed the Ministry to consult carers on a new draft Carers’ Strategy Action Plan for 2013 to 2018. Meetings and focus groups with carers were scheduled for Wellington, Auckland, Hamilton and Christchurch, and consultation was planned with the Carers Alliance and the Disabled Persons Assembly in Wellington. 

It is intended the new Action Plan will be finalised for Cabinet approval in late 2013. 

Reducing isolation for older people

We are supporting community groups in Napier to address social isolation among older people. The Napier Connects initiative is an umbrella for community-led activities and projects that promote the benefits to older people of staying engaged with their families and community by continuing to participate in a wide range of activities.

In early September 2013 a toolkit was developed to address social isolation among older people in communities.

2012–2015 Statement of Intent Performance Indicators

More efficient and effective allocation of government resources to meet community needs 

Intermediate Outcome – More communities are better able to support themselves


Proportion of providers who deliver on all contracted results.

(No trend available)

New indicator for 2012/2013

Intent: Increasing

In 2012/2013, the total number of contracted providers sampled was 490, of which 241 met all the results outlined in their respective contracts.

Number of communities funded by need and population

(No trend available)

New indicator for 2012/2013

Intent: Increasing

The result for this measure is based on the number of communities where community- based solutions are developed by community response forums.

Annual Report cover 2013

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