Annual Report 2012

Communities are better able to support themselves

We drive positive results for vulnerable families, children and young people by targeting funding to community initiatives that respond most effectively to the Government priorities.

Transforming the way we work with communities

Investing in Services for Outcomes

We are committed to working with our funded providers to ensure services are making a proven and positive difference in people’s lives.

This year we began developing our Investing in Services for Outcomes approach. Investing in Services for Outcomes is the result of the Government’s direction to ensure the Ministry and the providers we fund are working in the most effective and sustainable way to achieve better results for children, young people, family/whānau and communities.

In June 2012 the directions, expectations and timeframe for Investing in Services for Outcomes were announced.

Our new approach will ensure a consistent approach to contracting and that government priorities drive funding decisions.

Community Response Model and Community Response Forums

The 14 Community Response Forums continued to engage with communities in their regions. They provided independent advice to the Minister for Social Development and the Ministry on community needs and ways in which government services and funding can be improved to address these needs.

The Investing in Services for Outcomes programme builds on the work of the Community Response Forums. As the programme is rolled out, it will address some of the concerns raised by the Forums in their reports, such as the better integration of government funding to communities, strengthening the co-ordination between services, and community access to these services.

The Community Response Model shifts the decision-making on community services back to communities.

Community Response Fund

The Community Response Fund was established in May 2009 to support non-government organisations delivering critical community-based social services and facing serious recession-related funding or demand pressures. 

During 2011/2012, we administered the final three rounds of the Fund and made a total of 634 grants to the value of $24 million.

The services funded by these grants included:

  • support for families under stress
  • budgeting and financial advice
  • addressing family violence
  • addressing child abuse and neglect
  • early intervention for vulnerable and at-risk children and families.

The Community Response Fund was to run for two years but was extended for one further year and ended on 30 June 2012.

High Trust contracts

High Trust contracting places a greater focus on results for clients. It enables high-performing social service providers to focus more on the families they serve and less on ticking boxes, complex paperwork and reporting.

At the end of 2012, we had 166 High Trust contracts in place. This is an increase of 73 since the same time last year. 

High Trust contracts involve a concise and simple funding agreement enabling the flexible delivery of services.

Addressing violence in the community

It’s Not OK campaign

The It's Not OK campaign continued to mobilise New Zealanders to take action against family violence. In 2011/2012, one in three people reported taking action as a result of the campaign, with the figures higher for Māori (50 per cent) and Pacific (45 per cent).

During the year, we worked with the Ministry of Defence to develop a family violence policy and a promotional campaign featuring Army, Navy and Airforce champions.

The It’s Not OK campaign received approaches from organisations in Denver, Colorado and Richmond, Virginia about how to begin their own campaigns.

Pacific family violence prevention

In 2011/2012, we published the Pacific Conceptual Frameworks for Family Violence. We developed seven ethnic-specific frameworks that will inform the development of training programmes to help Pacific family violence prevention practitioners. The frameworks will also inform service providers and non-Pacific practitioners working with Pacific victims of family violence.

Working differently to do better

Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is an inclusive inter-agency approach, led by Te Puni Kōkiri, which empowers whānau as a whole rather than focusing separately on individual family members and their problems. This year we worked with 33 Whānau Ora providers to simplify existing contracts with agencies through Integrated Contracts.

Our Chief Executive and the Deputy Chief Executive, Family and Community Services are members of the Whānau Ora Governance group. The group meets monthly, and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of Whānau Ora and advising the Minister for Whānau Ora on policy settings, priorities and regional management.

Community Link

Community Link sites provide a broad range of cross-agency and community support, depending on the community they are in. At the end of June 2012, there were nearly 900 agency partners either in a Community Link or working with Community Links to deliver a joined-up service. 

There are now 79 Community Link sites, 29 more than last year.

Disability issues

Disability Action Plan

In July 2011, Cabinet agreed to the Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues’ first Disability Action Plan. This provided a focus for government agencies to ensure the recovery and rebuilding of Christchurch was inclusive of disabled people and was developed in consultation with disabled people. A progress report was provided to Cabinet in May 2012.

In May this year, the Office for Disability Issues co-ordinated a symposium in Christchurch to learn about disabled people's experiences in the earthquakes. Progress will be made over 2012/2013 by the Ministries of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Social Development, and Health to ensure emergency preparedness and responsiveness is more inclusive of disabled people.

The Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues leads the implementation of the Disability Action Plan.

Making a Difference Fund

The Making a Difference Fund supports projects that improve attitudes and behaviours toward disabled people.

A significant effort has been put into building on community-based and national partnerships. This year the Think Differently campaign was introduced. This focused on disabled people as leaders, breaking down barriers to employment and increasing accessibility to goods and services.  The Unique Extras project is an initiative which uses popular culture to make disabled people more visible in everyday life by employing them as extras in New Zealand television productions.

Carers’ Strategy Action Plan

The Carers’ Strategy Five-year Action Plan covering 2008 to 2013 is almost completed. The strategy and plan were developed in partnership with government agencies and the New Zealand Carers Alliance to improve the support available for informal carers.

We have responsibility for specific actions under the Carers’ Strategy. This year we published practical advice for caregivers in A Guide for Carers.  We also provided a $50,000 funding contribution to Carers New Zealand to help establish the CarersAir website and database.

We are responsible for co-ordinating the cross-agency effort around the Carers’ Strategy to acknowledge the very real difference carers make in people’s lives.

2011–2014 Statement of Intent Performance Indicators

Communities are better able to support themselves




Intermediate Outcome – Social services better reflect the needs of their community

Number of Community Response Forums that are actively engaged in planning with communities


(No trend available)

New measure for 2011/2012.

Intent: Sustaining.

Fourteen Community Response Forums were actively engaged in reviewing the Ministry’s family support services and developing community funding plans.

Number of Community Response Forums that receive community support for their Quality Services and Innovation Fund decision-making process


(No trend available)


New measure for 2011/2012.

Intent: Sustaining.

All 14 Community Response Forums enjoyed the support of their communities for their decision-making processes.

Intermediate Outcome – Community providers are more able to respond to community needs

The number of providers who deliver services within a High Trust relationship



Intent: Increasing.

A High Trust relationship enables trusted providers to focus more on the families they serve and less on completing paperwork and reporting. 

This year, there were 166 non-government providers with High Trust relationships, compared to 93 last year.

Intermediate Outcome – Communities have better access to social services

Number of government and non-government providers delivering their services in partnership with us


(No trend available)

New measure for 2011/2012.

Intent: Increasing.

We worked with almost 900 government and non-government providers across our 79 Community Links, such as Housing New Zealand Corporation, Inland Revenue, budgeting service providers and The Salvation Army.

Most Community Link sites have 17 providers and some providers operate from more than one site.

Annual Report 2012

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