Social Cohesion consultation
We’ve developed this pack with the help of people and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand and we are asking you if we got it right. The contents of this pack will tell you more about our approach, actions and support and how you can tell us what you think. The aim of the work is to provide a vision of what social cohesion looks like, and what we can do to get there. We will be identifying specific actions that Government and others could be doing more of, and doing better, to help people feel like they belong.
The consultation pack is split into 4 sections:
The Social Cohesion team wants to hear what you think
The Social Cohesion team want to hear your thoughts on the proposed framework, actions and support that are designed to help improve social cohesion in Aotearoa New Zealand:
- what do you like about our proposals?
- what would you change?
- is there anything missing?
We all have a part to play in creating an Aotearoa New Zealand where everyone belongs, participates, feels included receives recognition and where everyone matters.
This includes individuals, communities, organisations across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, as well as central and local government.
Without your views we cannot reflect a shared understanding of what social cohesion is. We need your insights on what you want and what we should be doing about it.
The consultation
We are looking for feedback in three sections – our approach, proposed actions, and how we will support you. Each section includes an overview and questions that you can use to guide your input.
You can provide your feedback by emailing, it is up to you if you would like to use the feedback form. You can email your completed form to the Social Cohesion team at social_cohesion@msd.govt.nz. Please send this to the team by Friday 25 March 2022 so that they can include your feedback in the final products.
What happens next?
After the 25th of March, the Social Cohesion team will analyse and incorporate your feedback. They will test new versions of the framework, actions and support in April / May with Ministers and government agencies then to Cabinet for consideration in May/June.