The disabled children: voluntary out-of-home placement review
Completion of the Review
The Review was carried out to hear ideas from disabled children, their families/whānau, those who support them, and people with an interest in how to improve the system for voluntary out-of-home placements.
A public consultation took place from 18 March to 29 May 2015. Submissions received during the consultation have helped to inform recommendations to Government on changes to policies, practices and legislation for voluntary out-of-home placements under the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989.
To ensure the perspective of disabled young people was central to the Review, the Donald Beasley Institute was contracted to carry out research with young people who had exited from voluntary out-of-home placements.
The consultation document and questions
Whilst the public consultation period has closed, you can read consultation document and questions asked during the consultation below: