Voices of Pacific peoples, families and communities
We will be launching our Pacific strategy and action plan – Pacific Prosperity - Our People, Our Solutions, Our Future – in October 2019. We designed this strategy after a year-long talanoa process, a process of meaningful conversations, with Pacific peoples.
We recently completed the final phase of consultation through an online survey in eight Pacific languages and English. The main aim of the survey was to find out whether the strategy resonated with Pacific peoples, families and communities.
The overall response to our request for feedback was tremendous with just over 4,000 people completing the online survey.
The journey to develop the strategy has been an inspired one, informed by a broad range of internal and external Pacific stakeholders.
What we’ve learned has only served to strengthen the need for a Pacific strategy and action plan. It will support MSD’s strategic direction, Te Pae Tawhiti, and our three key shifts of Mana Manaaki, Kotahitanga and Kia Takatū Tātou.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and encouraging.

Pacific Prosperity has been updated to ensure the key themes from the survey have been included.
Learnings from talanoa sessions
Since 2018, we have undertaken a series of talanoa sessions with Ministry staff that service Pacific people, our communities and service providers to help inform the draft strategy.
To identify themes to form the basis of the Pacific Strategy and Action plan, they were asked three simple questions
- What is MSD doing well?
- What does MSD need to improve on?
- What are key priorities you would like MSD to focus on?
Their views are summarised in the voice of our people: