New Zealand Customs
Absence from New Zealand Match
This match compares Customs data to MSD client data to identify clients whose entitlement to payments from MSD may have changed due to the client going overseas.
The match focuses on working age clients who have an obligation to advise MSD of their travel intentions before their departure or their payments are automatically suspended. This group includes clients on Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent and Supported Living Payment benefits, Emergency Benefits and receiving Youth Payment or Young Parent Payment services.
This match has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of overpayments.
Notifying of intention to travel overseas
All working age clients must advise Work and Income before they travel overseas if they wish to continue to receive their benefit. If they do not tell Work and Income, their benefit will stop from the day after they leave New Zealand.
Customs Match
This match focuses on non-working age clients who have travelled out of New Zealand for longer than their benefit allows. This group includes New Zealand Superannuation, Veterans Pension, non-beneficiary clients, Childcare Subsidy, Child Disability Allowance, Orphans Benefit and Unsupported Child Benefit.