Love Better Thumnail

Youth Campaign - Love Better


Love Better is a primary prevention campaign aimed at fostering safe, positive, and equal relationships. It is a whole-of-population campaign that aims to disrupt and/or shift harmful discourses and behaviours around relationships that are universal and affect all young people.

MSD developed a plan to ensure social marketing, youth development and prevention approaches followed best practice, which included an extensive literature review (Beres, Pearman-Beres & Johns, 2020) and formative audience research.

Campaign Strategy

Adolescence is when we begin to explore our sexuality through romantic and sexual relationships. It is a period when our beliefs and attitudes about sex, relationships and gender can be challenged – or reinforced – by peers, whānau, and popular culture. It is a time of change and discovery as we start to develop identities that separate us from our parents.

Love Better is a whole-of-population initiative, underpinned by public health principles:

  • If we… Foster safe, positive, and equal sexual and romantic relationships
  • So that… Young people can confidently navigate the social, cultural and peer norms and discourses that shape their expectations of sexual and romantic relationships
  • Then… they can better identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better
  • And ultimately… young people will be set up for the best chance of lifelong safe, positive, and equal relationships.

The campaign will involve multiple phases, connected by the universal Love Better platform that speaks to all young people.

Here is more information about phase one and phase two of Love Better:

If you have any questions or comments about Love Better, please email:

Love Better Thumnail
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