Form for requesting alternate formats
You can use this form to commission your information in alternate formats – New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), Braille, Audio, Large Print, and Easy Read.
If you have any questions, contact the Alternate Formats Group by:
- calling or texting us on 029 902 4372
- emailing us at accessibility@msd.govt.nz
Download the Word version of the Form
Submitting the form
Please email the completed form and the final content in a Word document to accessibility@msd.govt.nz.
Please complete the checklist and all form fields. Do not leave any fields blank. If the field does not apply to your request, this needs to be indicated.
If the information is not completed, the request will be returned to you for completion. This may impact on the timeframes you have requested.
Before completing this form, please read the Guide to requesting Alternate Formats.
Checklist: Is my document ready to send for Alternate Formats?
You must complete this checklist before you send through your request. If you are unsure of how to respond to any point, please contact accessibility@msd.govt.nz.
You are welcome to attend a meeting with the Alternate Formats Group early on to get advice around your approach and next steps.
Yes or N/A |
Criteria |
Document is in MS Word format (not pdf). |
Document is a suitable size for alternate formats. If the original document is long, also provide a summary with the key information, generally of up to 4 to 10 pages. For more information see: Note |
Document is written in plain language – as per by the Plain Language Act 2022. For more information see the Checklist for plain language - a quick reference guide |
The document has enough context so your audience understands who the information is from and what its purpose is. |
Document has a clear title at the top of the first page (e.g. “Summary of the XYZ Strategy 2023”). |
A clear and consistent heading structure is provided using the “Styles” options in MS Word. For how to do this, see: Technical advice |
Font size is a minimum of 12 point and a sans serif font is used (i.e. Verdana or Arial). |
Tracked changes have been accepted and turned off in the document. |
Comment boxes and watermarks have been removed. |
Tables, graphs, and text boxes have been removed and information is provided in text or list format. |
Links to the full document or where to go for more information are included in the document. The link to the full document is needed in all summaries. |
Alternative shortened URLs or Tiny URLs have been provided if you are using long URLs or hyperlinks. Please include the shortened or tiny URL in brackets after the full URL or hyperlink. For an example see: Technical advice |
Accessible contact options are provided for surveys, other feedback processes and general contact. This is: a web address (if relevant); email address; free-call number (and hours of operation); text (for Deaf and hard of hearing); NZ Relay. For an example, see: Technical advice |
A glossary of technical terms, or te reo Māori and Pasifika terms is provided as additional information for the producers. |
Primary logos for branding have been placed into the document – these should be in the body of the document, not in the header or footer. |
All logos have alternate text. For how to do this, see: Technical advice |
Images have been removed unless absolutely necessary (see below). |
Any absolutely necessary images have alt text. |
Photos of any people named in the document are attached to the request as separate files. Ensure you have consent to use the image. |
Logos and any necessary images have also been provided as separate high resolution .png or .jpg/.jpeg files. |
Note: For NZSL and Easy Read, we generally translate summary documents of up to 4 to 10 pages, rather than full reports. In the Blindness formats (Large Print, Audio and Braille), we often transcribe the full report and the summary - this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Job details
Job name / topic |
Title of all documents for translation / transcription |
Title(s) to be used on published document: |
Agency or organisation | |
Contact person name | |
Contact person phone | |
Contact person email | |
Cost centre or purchase order (indicate which and provide details) | |
Invoicing contact name | |
Invoicing contact phone | |
Invoicing contact email | |
Postal address of agency or organisation | |
Delivery address if you require hard copies - eg printed Braille documents | |
Date of request | |
CostingsCostings, either quotes or estimates, generally take up to 10 working days to be completed. |
If there is a reason you need the costings urgently, please tell us when they are needed and why it is urgent. If possible, we will try to accommodate this. |
Final Translations / TranscriptionsProduction generally takes four to six weeks from when we receive the final, production-ready document. Specific timeframes for your job will be discussed with you as part of the collaborative process. |
If there is a particular date you would like the finals by, let us know the reason and date. Do not use ASAP. We will try to meet the timeframes you are aiming for – but this may not be possible. |
Note: If there are changes to the content after the final document has been submitted for production, there may be additional costs and timeframes could change as the work may need to start again.
Document content and audience
Tell us about the information you need translated / transcribed. | |
Also tell us:
Provide any additional background information to give context for the work and list any documents attached. For example, if an executive summary is being translated / transcribed, also provide the full document the summary relates to. |
Document location
Where will the content be housed? If there is an existing website, provide the web address. |
Primary logos: List any logos that will be used in the document for branding, Note: All primary logos must be provided with this request form - even if provided previously for other jobs. |
Primary logos: (i.e. main branding logos to be used on the material) |
Additional logos: List any logos of any other agencies mentioned anywhere in the document. |
Additional logos: (i.e. any other agencies mentioned in the document but not needed for branding) |
List any specific branding guidelines that need to be met, including colour and typeface. |
Other media or design elements
Describe any media or design elements needed. For example:
Attach any relevant files. |