Accessibility guide cover 2nd edition

Accessible information and communications

Accessible information and communications allow disabled people to participate and contribute on an equal basis with non-disabled people.

To be accessible, information and communications is provided in formats and languages that disabled people can access independently, without relying on other people, and is compatible with assistive technology, such as computer screen readers (known as alternate formats). Essentially, it’s free of barriers.

Accessibility is the measure of how easily people can access and engage with information and communications.

Information and communications include any printed or online information in pamphlets, brochures, websites, online applications, forms or ways that people access and engage with information and services.

Having accessible information and communications recognises the diversity of New Zealand. It considers alternate formats (e.g. Easy Read, large print, braille, audio, and New Zealand Sign Language [NZSL]).

The trend towards a digital society provides users with new ways of accessing information and services. Government agencies rely increasingly on the internet to produce, collect and provide a wide range of information and services online that are essential to the public. Access to public services and information through accessible and usable websites and mobile applications would benefit disabled people’s daily lives.

It’s important, for the public sector, that we are responsive to the needs of our communities. As part of this responsiveness, all New Zealanders should have equal access to information about government’s policies, initiatives and programmes.

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Accessibility guide cover 2nd edition
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